Photos and audio: Tofte Celebrates 4th of July
Chuck Olsen
Community Voices

Photos and audio: Tofte Celebrates 4th of July

Story by WTIP youth volunteer Ezme Mundell 

I hope everybody had a great 4th of July! I sure did! I started my morning off at Birch Grove Elementary school for the Tofte Trek fun! I watched the little kid sprints and the mile go through. 

Then it was my turn, I went to the start line for the 10k run! This year was VERY muddy! Running through knee deep mud is tough. You may think ‘oh it should be easy it’s just mud, Ezme’ but no it sucks your feet in and is so murky that you can’t see what you are stepping on. A big goal in that race was to not get injured as well so the mud made this year’s 10k a little more challenging than others. 

After hosing off the mud on my legs I went down to the Tofte annual parade. I watched the parade with my family and friends. Collecting candy with my sister Beatrice and eating a delicious fried fish sandwich is the life of the 4th of July. We hung around the bouncy houses after to see Bea go through a few times! I even tried it myself! Very bouncy! 

Then it was getting hot so we went back to our house and jumped in Lake Agnes! It is really starting to feel like summer! At 10 p.m. we watched the fireworks on the rocks behind Bluefin Bay! The fireworks were really good as always! Lots of fun color combos with different sized fireworks! Some big and some small and cute! Overall it was a great 4th of July for the Mundell family!!!