Weather Alert
Rhonda Silence

A look at the Law Enforcement Log for September

The Cook County Sheriff’s Office shares a brief report of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center throughout the month with WTIP Community Radio.

WTIP requested more information on a number of the incidents logged by law enforcement dispatchers in September 2020. The most frequent calls in September were calls about bears. Because of the number of calls to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office regarding bear encounters, WTIP again shares this helpful information from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

In addition to the calls recorded here, there were dozens of business and residence checks; traffic stops; medical calls; crank or misdialed 911 calls, and more. Sheriff deputies also participated in Operation Stonegarden, a joint patrol effort with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. They also conducted all-terrain vehicle patrols and assisted the U.S. Forest Service and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on calls.

September 1
8:41 a.m. A party called from Grand Portage asking for information on how to trespass an individual from a property. Paperwork has been filed with the Grand Portage Tribal Council.
9:35 a.m. A party in Grand Marais called about a bear that was around his property last night. The caller heard gunshots later and wondered if the bear was put down. Cook County informed the party that the bear would not be on his property anymore.
11:24 a.m. A party called to report a hit and run in the parking lot of the Grand Portage Lodge. There is a video of the incident.
12:32 p.m. There was a report of a disabled vehicle near Sawtooth Elementary. A tow was arranged to take the car to My Brother’s Place Auto Repair.
12:47 p.m. A party exploring the old Taconite Harbor townsite came across a strange mound of dirt with a purple child’s boot on top. It looks freshly dug and creeped the caller out. The sheriff’s office inspected the area and found the pile, which appeared to be a large anthill.
12:59 p.m. An abandoned motorcycle was found in the ditch on Mineral Center Road. The registered owner had sold the bike but was never paid. He showed the title and was able to retrieve the motorcycle.
4:41 p.m. There was a report of a white truck with kayaks in the ditch on the lakeside of West Highway 61. There don’t seem to be injuries. The information was shared with the Minnesota State Patrol.
7:02 p.m. A caller reported a suspicious person—a male, dressed all in black, with a hoodie walking in the woods on the lakeside of East Highway 61. The party was there in the morning and just now. The sheriff’s office patrolled the area.
September 2
6:04 p.m. A black lab was found at the bottom of the Gunflint Trail. Cook County called the possible owner who came to claim their dog, named Scooby.
7:45 a.m. A caller requested a welfare check for a male party at Paradise Beach who has been walking up and down East Highway 61 for two days now.
8:57 a.m. The sheriff’s office received an alarm of an elevator emergency. A Grand Portage National Monument Heritage Center employee hit the alarm by accident. The alarm was canceled.
11:55 a.m. A monthly test of the countrywide paging system was conducted.
2:55 p.m. There was a call from Grand Portage, reporting a burning smell in an electrical room. Grand Portage Fire and Ambulance responded. The first responder on the scene at 2:59 p.m. said there is no smoke. All emergency personnel were clear of the scene by 3:15 p.m.

September 3
6:08 p.m. A party called from 7th Avenue in Grand Marais to report a nuisance bear that has been visiting for a few nights. The call was transferred to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
7:51 a.m. There was a report of a big maple tree down on the west side of 8th Avenue. City workers were notified.
7:54 a.m. A second call was received from a party about a drifter walking along East Highway 61, wearing dark clothes. Cook County noted that two other calls had been received regarding this party, who is walking on the shoulder of the road, not violating any laws.
8:14 a.m. A caller reported two trees down on the Gunflint Trail, blocking the southbound lane. A second call came in reporting a tree down on a curve near Pickerel Pit. Cook County Highway Department was notified and the trees were removed by 9:15 a.m.
8:18 a.m. A construction zone traffic sign blew into the driving lane. A deputy moved the sign out of the road.
9:52 a.m. A conservation officer reported a transient wandering on East Highway 61 near mile marker 137-138. There have been other calls on this individual. He is not doing anything illegal, just walking on the highway.
10:30 a.m. A party came in to the law enforcement center to ask about the safety and ethics of a bicyclist riding down the center of the road. The person was advised that if it isn’t safe to pass a bicyclist it is better not to pass. The party wondered if other motorists had problems with bicyclists.
11:37 a.m. There was a report of a dog bite at the Grand Marais Municipal Campground. Three dogs attacked one dog and its owner, who received a small puncture wound on her hand. The owner of the injured dog took her dog to Lake County Veterinary Clinic, then went to North Shore Health. The owner of the other dogs could not be found.
12:07 p.m. There was a report of damage to a power pole. It looks like someone took an ax and chopped away at a few sections. There was a similar incident a few weeks ago.
12:48 p.m. A report was made of a tree down on 1st Avenue in Grand Marais. The city was notified and the tree was removed by 1:04 p.m.
2:12 p.m. A party called concerned about 4 or 5 young kids out at the lighthouse, jumping into the lake. It seems very unsafe under current weather conditions. Cook County was unable to reach the US Coast Guard. A deputy located the kids and spoke to parents about the safety concerns.
4:46 p.m. A property owner on West Highway 61 called to ask what she can do to prevent people from turning around in her driveway. She said it is becoming a huge bother. She was advised that she could put up no trespass signs.
5:22 p.m. There was a call reporting that a bear cub tried to come in the front door of a building in Grand Marais. People are trying to take videos of the bear as it wandered around by the liquor store and Best Western. The bear was last seen heading toward Holiday. The MN DNR was notified.
5:53 p.m. A party on the Gunflint Trail wanted to see if there were trees down on the road as his wife was about an hour overdue. The party called back at 6:03 p.m. to say his wife had arrived.
6:37 p.m. A party called from Pike Lake Road reporting a bear in his garden. He doesn’t know what to do. The call was transferred to the MN DNR.
6:59 p.m. Another call came in from Grand Portage about the transient male walking along Highway 61 in dark clothing. The caller was informed the man is not doing anything illegal. The Grand Portage deputy was informed and asked to watch for any illegal activity.
7:15 p.m. A party called asking for assistance in locating two family members who were overdue from a three-day camping trip. They are in a Kevlar canoe with a small dog. The overdue parties are in good health and experienced campers, but not on this route from Magnetic Bay, up Granite River, and to Saganaga. Cook County suggested they may have been slowed by strong winds and many trees down. The caller was advised to call back if they didn’t get back in the evening or tomorrow morning. The party called back at 8:27 p.m. – the campers were back after having to wait out the storm.
7:50 p.m. A party called to report that her parents were overdue from their BWCA camping trip. They are in their 70s but are experienced paddlers. However, this is a different route with fewer portages, but the caller was not sure where. Cook County advised of the stormy weather and said they may have been delayed because of that. Cook County reached the US Forest Service which found permit information for the couple. They entered at Pine Lake near McFarland at the end of the Gunflint Trail. The party called back at 8:37 a.m. to report that her parents had made it out safe and sound.
11:42 p.m. A party called because their daughter was overdue from a 10-day hike on the Superior Hiking Trail. The party was not sure of the hiking plan. Attempts were made to reach another family member who might have more information. At 12:51 a.m., the party called back to say they had reached the daughter’s spouse who said the plan was for her to be off the trail tomorrow (later on September 4).

September 4
2:44 a.m. The sheriff’s office received a report of a mother bear and two cubs trying to break into a house on South Gunflint Lake. The mother bear and one cub tried to come in through a utility room window. The party screamed and yelled at the bear, which got out. One cub was on the front, screened porch squealing. Then the mother took off, that cub did as well. The caller went through the house and saw the larger bear again trying to get in the house through a kitchen window. The party turned all their lights and will nail something over the window. They are unsure what else to do. The call was transferred to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
8:04 a.m. The Grand Portage National Monument called to report that someone had a “sizeable bash” in the parking lot overnight, leaving behind broken rocks and garbage. Monument staff cleaned up the mess but took photos for the sheriff’s office.
8:34 a.m. A caller in Grand Marais reported a nuisance bear hanging out at his place. It tore into his beehives. The call was referred to the MN DNR.
9:03 a.m. A party called asking for help locating his brother and his family who are four days overdue in returning home to Madison, Wisconsin. They came up to the North Shore to camp and decompress. The family has three little dogs as well. Cook County contacted the Grand Marais campground and visited local campgrounds, but suggested that the party also contact Wisconsin law enforcement as well with an attempt to locate. The party called back at 1:41 p.m. and said the family had been located and they are fine.
9:26 a.m. A party called to report that some juveniles were smoking meth on the dock by the Grand Portage National Monument. On investigation, it was found they were smoking cigarettes. Their parents know they smoke. The deputy talked to them about stopping due to health reasons and left the scene.
9:35 a.m. A business in Grand Marais reported vandalism overnight. Someone had plastered mud on a door handle to the basement and written naughty words in the play area.
10:39 a.m. An owner of a lodge on the Gunflint Trail called to say they had guests who would not put masks on. The lodge owner told the parties they would not rent to them if they didn’t wear masks at his business. The parties were parked in front of the lodge, refusing to leave. The caller wondered if he was in the right. Cook County advised that he can refuse service if that is what he wants to do. He was advised to call the sheriff’s office back if the parties become belligerent. The lodge owner called back and said the parties had left and were cordial.
11:19 a.m. A worker at Lutsen Mountains called to say she is receiving harassing phone calls from a previous employer in Colorado, who claims she has been laundering money. The caller said she has to call back or the police will be contacted. Cook County advised the party that this is a common scam and she should block the phone number.
2:41 p.m. A party called from Grand Marais stating that as he was riding his scooter past a house three dogs came out and chased him. They did not bite him, but they were growling and running alongside him. Cook County advised that there is no leash law in Cook County. A deputy advised the dog owner that the dogs could be written up as a public nuisance. A verbal warning was given.
3:22 p.m. A deputy stopped to take a bag of trash out of the southbound lane of East Highway 61.
5:03 p.m. A party called requesting a welfare check on her husband as she hasn’t heard from him since 10 a.m. While on the phone, the husband texted.
5:22 p.m. A deputy removed a big chunk of metal from the driving lane on East Highway 61.
8:36 p.m. A deputy stopped at the Cook County Skate Park to tell about five kids there that the park is closed at dark. All were understanding and left the park area.
9:39 p.m. There was a minor collision between a Toyota Tundra and a Dodge Ram in the Holiday parking lot. No injuries.

September 5
1:59 a.m. A party called concerned that his wife is not home from work in Grand Marais yet. She normally calls if she will be late. Her phone goes right to voicemail. The party called back at 2:31 a.m., the party was home and all is okay.
8:19 a.m. A party called asking for help locating a family member who went looking for their child who had texted that they were lost in the woods while camping with their father. While gathering information, a call was received and all was fine.
2:29 a.m. A deputy assisted a motorist with a dead battery on Coast Guard Point. The battery seems to be good, it was determined that it was a starter issue. The motorist will call for a tow.
3:04 p.m. A party called from Lutsen saying someone is on her property to take a vehicle, but they do not have any paperwork saying they can do so. While the party was on the phone, the person left in the vehicle. State Patrol was advised and was asked to be on the lookout for the vehicle. At 4:06 p.m., a party called to say the vehicle had been sold to that individual and it was okay for him to come to get it.
6:01 p.m. A welfare check was requested for a party in Hovland who had been drinking and had reacted angrily to a text message. The sheriff’s office spoke to the party, who was respectful and cooperative and agreed to dump out his remaining beer cans. The concerned party was informed that the man was okay for the night.
6:14 p.m. A party came in to the law enforcement center looking for assistance. They were supposed to be camping with their RV at Cascade State Park, but they were double booked. They were now looking for a place to camp in the RV. Cook County gave a list of public gravel pits in the area.
8:01 p.m. Grand Portage National Monument found a man lying in the monument parking lot, not making sense. They were not sure if he was intoxicated or injured. The party was transported to North Shore Health by Grand Portage Ambulance.
8:31 p.m. A caller reported two Winnebago type campers parked at the public access on Devil Track Lake. A deputy spoke to the parties advising them they could stay the night, but had to pack up and leave in the morning. One camper reported that a bear had gone after her dog in the parking lot.
8:41 p.m. A party was seen trying door handles on cars parked in Grand Marais. The individual was not located.
9:02 p.m. A party was spotted parking in the “Witch Tree” parking spot. The party said he thought he was camping in a national park. He was advised that was not the case and he left to go park at Grand Portage State Park for the night.
9:14 p.m. A party called the sheriff’s office asking for directions to the emergency room. The party said they have a fever and difficulty breathing and think they may have coronavirus. Cook County gave directions and informed the party that they need a mask. Cook County informed the hospital that the party was on the way.
11:12 p.m. A deputy stopped to clear a garbage bag that was ripped apart across both traffic lanes on East Highway 61.

September 6
6:45 a.m. The Grand Portage Pigeon River Border Crossing called to report that a couple had been stopped with 14.7 mg of marijuana and four bags of cannabis sugar cookies.
9:03 a.m. A party on East Highway 61 reported the theft of a generator off his porch last night. The generator was found on a relative’s porch.
12:31 p.m. There was a report of vandalism to several vehicles at the Tait Lake boat launch. Bad words were carved into the car, the windshield wipers and topper cover were cut and something was poured on the door handles.
2:46 p.m. A party called to ask about the legalities of camping by Durfee Creek. The site is a kayak campsite. The camper was advised they would have to leave.
3:38 p.m. There was a report of a big branch in the westbound lane on West Highway 61. The area was patrolled and no branch was seen.
3:47 p.m. There was a report of a fight in Lutsen. A party suffered facial injuries. Another party in a blue pickup left the scene, heading south on Highway 61. A Forest Service vehicle spotted the party on Murmur Creek Road and pursued. A male party from Grand Marais was arrested and charged with assault.
5:59 p.m. The sheriff’s office received a report of a canoe capsized on the west end of Gunflint Lake. Gunflint Responder were on scene by 6:03 p.m. and both parties were out of the water shortly after. Canoe and canoeists were fine.
8:50 p.m. A deputy checked out a report of three people camping at the first Superior Hiking Trail entry on the Arrowhead Trail in Hovland. The parties were advised that camping was not allowed there. The group said they could not find an open campsite. They were advised to move their campsite farther off the road into the parking lots and to leave in the morning.
9:21 p.m. A party called to report that a family member left Grand Marais to go home to Zimmerman today, but according to his phone locator, he had not made it past Lutsen yet. Cook County agreed to be on the lookout for the party but advised that phone locators do not always work properly in this area. The party called back at 11:50 p.m. to say the party had a migraine on the way home and pulled over to rest with his phone turned off. He was home safe.
9:22 p.m. A party called from My Sister’s Place seeking assistance with a flat tire. While on the phone, another party said they would help her.
10:32 p.m. A party in Grand Marais called to report a suspicious vehicle. A small red hatchback keeps driving slowly past their house.
10:45 p.m. A deputy stopped to check on a 2018 white Jeep Wrangler that went into the ditch on West Highway 61. The Jeep was out and there were no injuries.
11:40 p.m. A party came in to the law enforcement center to report a stolen bicycle, a red Cannon Dale 8-speed.

September 7
12:52 a.m. A caller at Bluefin Bay Resort said her son keeps hearing an adult male voice calling for help. Cook County contacted Bluefin Bay who investigated but could find no one needing help. The staff checked nearby AmericInn and there was a person who was locked out and needed help. That is who was shouting. Cook County let the family know as the son was upset about the cries for help.
1:21 a.m. A call came in from Lutsen reporting concern about an intoxicated female interacting with two males. The reporting party had separated the female from the male parties, but they were hanging around. The sheriff’s office responded and spoke to the woman was did appear to be very intoxicated, but said the was okay. The female was advised to contact the law enforcement center if she felt differently in the morning.
7:54 a.m. The sheriff’s office received a report of a golden lab running loose near Bluewater Café. It was very skittish and the deputy was unable to catch the dog.
9:29 a.m. There was a report of a balsam down on Tucker Lake Road. A responder removed the tree from the roadway.
9:32 a.m. A caller wanted to report the theft of her Black Lives Matter sign from North Road in Hovland overnight. She checked in the ditches to make sure it hadn’t blown away.
1:43 p.m. A party called to report a bear in a yard on County Road 7. The call was transferred to the MN DNR.
1:58 p.m. A party called from County Road 7 in Grand Marais reporting that some had damaged an RV on their property. The RV has sand in the engine, and the front window was broken.
4:42 p.m. A party in Grand Marais asked for assistance while moving cattle across County Road 7. Once the cows start to cross, they can’t be stopped and they are in a blind spot. The party said it takes about 15 minutes and this is only done twice a year. The sheriff’s office assisted in getting the cows across, with no problems.
5:59 p.m. A guest checking out of the Aspen Inn in Grand Marais wanted a refund because they were given a room that had been used for dogs. The party would not leave until a refund was given and asked that the sheriff’s office be called. A deputy arrived an told the party that the matter of a refund is up to the motel. The person left the scene willingly.
6:54 p.m. A party called again about people camping on the lakeshore at Durfee Creek. A deputy stopped to check on the three individuals, who said officers had talked to them yesterday and they were packing up to leave.
7:33 p.m. A party called from Grand Portage reporting an unwanted person. The unwanted person wanted a game camera that they believed was theirs. The party was pounding on the door and picking up rocks. The sheriff’s office spoke to all the parties and advised that they stay away from one another. Information was also given on a restraining order.

September 8
2:54 a.m. A party received an over-the-internet phone call from South Gunflint Lake A male party was whispering that there was a bear on the patio of the cabin where he was staying. The doors and windows were locked, but the caller was still concerned. The resort owner was contacted and a manager was sent over to the cabin to assist. At 4:00 a.m., the lodge owner called back and said the bear is no longer on scene.
7:11 a.m. There was a report of a small bear running around in downtown Grand Marais, climbing a tree near Joynes. There were other reports of the bear near the city hall municipal bathrooms. A deputy attempted to keep people away from the bear. The Ely Bear Center was contacted and they suggested using airhorns and loud noises to chase the bear off, so it has a bad association with people. The bear continued to wander around downtown and ultimately crossed Highway 61 and went up First Avenue. A conservation office advised the sheriff’s office to get people to leave the bear alone.
8:16 a.m. A car hit a deer. There were no human injuries and the matter was referred to the MN DNR.
9:02 a.m. There was a report of two gray, midsize collie dogs running loose in Grand Marais near the Cook County High School. Deputies were unable to find the dogs.
10:49 a.m. There was a report from a visiting nurse of a person who had passed away. Cook County notified the family and assisted with the arrangements with the funeral home.
11:28 a.m. A party reported seeing a bear while walking on 7th Avenue in Grand Marais. The party didn’t feel threatened, just wanted to report a wandering bear. Cook County advised the party to just leave the bear alone.
12:25 p.m. A party in Grand Marais reported having their RV tire slashed.

September 9
10:06 a.m. A caller reported a loose golden retriever-looking dog in Grand Marais. The dog had no tags, but appeared friendly. The sheriff’s office was unable to locate the dog.
1:02 p.m. A party reported a dead animal, possibly a bear on County Road 92, just past the public access to Poplar Lake. The call was passed on the MN DNR.
5:04 p.m. The Grand Portage Marina reported hearing from a boat in distress about five miles southeast of the marina. The boat is under sail with no motor. The boater was coming from Isle Royale and planned on going to the Grand Portage Marina, but overshot the marina. With no motor, there was no way to turn back east. Grand Portage Fisheries towed the boat in.
5:58 p.m. A party in Schroeder called to express concern about a family member who is out of touch somewhere in Lake County. There call was transferred to Lake County to be on the lookout.
7:30 p.m. There was a report of a single black bear behind the Grand Marais Fire Hall.

September 10
7:06 a.m. A confused elderly man was found wandering on County Road 7 by a Cook County Highway Department employee. He was reunited with his wife and Public Health is following up.
8:53 a.m. A black lab with a pink or red ID tag was spotted on West Highway 61. The dog was recognized and the owner was notified.
9:55 a.m. A party called to say their mailbox on Devil Track Road had been damaged for the third time.
2:26 p.m. The sheriff’s office received a report of a theft of medication.
2:26 p.m. A party in Grand Portage reported being bitten by a dog in the left leg. No medical is needed. The dog owner said the dog is up-to-date with its shots and was upset that the party came onto their driveway as it is posted with “Beware of dog” signs.
2:59 p.m. A Gunflint Trail property owner called to say the cameras on the property were showing two males walking around and they should not be there.
11:18 p.m. A welfare check was requested for a woman who left Duluth earlier who may be having a mental health crisis. She has her two young children with her. The family thinks she may be going to a property in Cook County. A deputy checked the residence and there was no sign of the party. The family called back at 7:58 on September 11. The woman and children were home safe.

September 11
12:35 a.m. A party called from the Birch Terrace parking lot asking for help with his spouse as she is being belligerent and hit him. Deputies responded and a female party was arrested for domestic assault.
1:38 a.m. A party on East Highway 61 called seeking a number for a crisis line. The party has been depressed and in pain and is just lonely. A helpline number was given, but if they are unable to assist, Cook County said to call back, something else would be figured out.
11:54 a.m. A bear was spotted in the bushes across from Great Expectations School, near the law enforcement center. Conservation officers responded and the bear was sprayed in the face, in an attempt to discourage it from liking humans.
12:01 p.m. There was another bear report from Nordic Star Drive in Grand Marais. A bear was on the party’s front step. It is gone, but they would like advice on how to get rid of it. The call was transferred to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
12:06 p.m. A caller in Grand Marais wanted to know if law enforcement had any problems with a man going around handing out religious pamphlets. The party was parked near the storage area by the Minnesota DNR building, which is not an authorized parking area. The party was gone on arrival.
1:13 p.m. A party called wanting to get a live trap for a nuisance bear. The party would not give their location. The matter was transferred to the Minnesota DNR.
1:35 p.m. There was a request for a deputy to hang out near the school in Grand Marais when they release students at 2:15 as lots of kids leave on foot and there has been a bear in the area. A deputy patrolled and there were no signs of the bear.
4:26 p.m. A party on County Road 7 said a mother bear with two cubs has been hanging outside their house all day. The bear makes advances if they try to leave their house. Cook County said to call back if the behavior persists. The party called back at 6:16 p.m., saying the bear still has not left and they are not able to go onto their own porch without the bear bothering them. Cook County contacted the MN DNR.
5:22 p.m. A party called from Schroeder reporting finding a skinned deer carcass, with meat still attached. The caller thought it was odd and wanted the MN DNR to know.

September 12
9:19 a.m. A party called to report that a vehicle in a parking lot on the Gunflint Trail had not paid the appropriate parking fees. The party paid for a vehicle, but there was also an RV that should have been paid for. A deputy stopped the party who insisted they had paid the appropriate amount and asked the sheriff’s office to check. The reporting party said there was more owed, but did not want to pursue the matter further. The vehicle owner threatened to sue the resort for reporting a theft.
10:50 a.m. A resort on West Highway 61 reported a nuisance bear. The resort advised the party to make a lot of noise and make the bear afraid of humans. The call was referred to the MN DNR.
12:46 p.m. A party called from East Highway 61 reporting a mother bear and two cubs in their apple tree. Cook County asked if the bears were aggressive and the caller said yes it growled at them. The party said they may have to shoot the bear. Cook County advised against that as it could possibly make matters worse. Cook County said the Minnesota DNR would be contacted and the party asked them to hurry before the bear ruins their apple tree.
1:09 p.m. A party in Grand Marais called to report several weeks of bear problems. A few weeks ago it tore down their blueberry bushes, then later their tomato plants. They tried scaring it off with pots and pans. The caller said just now she stepped out to shake her rung and heard the bear in their garage. The bear was startled and jumped on a counter and through a window. The call was transferred to the Minnesota DNR.
1:31 p.m. A party called from White Sky Trail in Lutsen to report a Jeep in the ditch that looks to have rolled a couple of times. There was no sign of the occupants. The party called back at 1:45 p.m., the driver had been located, they were walking to get cell service. The driver was shaken, but not injured. The party refused medical attention and got a ride as they were trying to make a flight. The Jeep was towed by North Coast Towing.
4:30 p.m. A party called from Grand Marais with concern about the mother bear and cubs eating in the yard next door. The party remembers seeing a young cub being frightened by all the people downtown a few summers ago that eventually drowned. They do not want that to happen again. The sheriff’s office said the DNR is just advising people to leave bears alone and give them their space.
6:24 p.m. Another bear call came in from 5th Avenue in Grand Marais. The parties were advised to put garbage and any food away and make noise to scare the bear away if needed.
6:35 p.m. Another call reporting a mother bear and three cubs came in from East Highway 61. The parties were advised to give them space, make sure there is no food for them, and they will move on.
6:47 p.m. A welfare check was requested for a couple who were camping in the area, possibly the Twin Lakes campground, that were overdue. Cook County checked the campground and others and no sign was found of the overdue parties’ vehicle.
7:41 p.m. Cook County received an elevator emergency alarm from the Grand Portage National Monument. The monument said it was a misdial.
7:55 p.m. A party called from Pike Lake Road reporting that a black bear was trying to get into their house, pushing on the screens. Cook County advised the caller to turn all their lights on and make noise to try to scare the bear away. A deputy responded to make sure the bear was gone.
8:20 p.m. A caller reported an intoxicated person that has thrown up and fallen several times. The caller tried to help the person who said they were going to sleep in their car. A deputy responded and found where the party was staying. They were given a ride to their lodging.
8:56 p.m. A search was requested for a missing person by Daniels Lake. See related WTIP story here.
9:12 p.m. A party in Grand Marais called to complain about very loud music outside. A deputy drove through the area with squad windows down and was unable to hear any music or loud noise.
11:10 p.m. A party called asking if the music at Skyport Lodge could be turned down.

September 13
7:12 a.m. A party called to report that they had been advised by a MN DNR conservation officer that he could dispatch a problem bear if necessary. The party said he did dispatch the sow, but wondered what to do about the cubs. Cook County contacted the MN DNR conservation officer to respond.
10:42 a.m. A party in Grand Portage reported a man walking down the road, staggering and asking for money. The sheriff’s office was unable to find anyone matching that description.
10:50 a.m. A caller in Grand Marais reported the theft of a propeller off of his boat.
12:36 p.m. A party came into the law enforcement center with questions about how the Census works. She is currently staying in Cook County, not her home county, and does not want to get into trouble for not filling it out. Cook County suggested she call the Census Bureau directly with questions.

September 14
12:32 a.m. A guest at the Flour Lake Campground reported a possible domestic disturbance. A deputy responded and it appeared to be a verbal dispute only.
1:48 a.m. A party called from Grand Marais asking for a battery jump. The caller does not have AAA and it appears the expense would be an issue. A deputy responded they could help if the party can wait for them to come from the Mid-Gunflint Trail. The vehicle was started at 2:43 a.m.
6:06 a.m. There was a report of a domestic disturbance between a father and son in Grand Marais.
7:54 a.m. A party called to report a dead animal in the middle of the road on East Highway 61.

September 15
8:56 a.m. A party called to ask what the Minnesota DNR’s plan is for the bear problem. There is currently one below the Lutheran Church, eating garbage. The call was transferred to the MN DNR.
9:13 a.m. There was a report of a fox on the white line on East Highway 61. It is not dead. A deputy was assigned to dispatch the fox.
11:24 a.m. There was a report of a lost hiker. The person was supposed to be on an hour-long hike at Pincushion Mountain trails. Cook County tried to guide them out by phone. The party made it out to the Gunflint Trail and a deputy gave the hiker a ride back to their car at the Pincushion parking lot.
1:10 p.m. A party called from Grand Marais asking for help finding her husband who had gone hiking at Pincushion Mountain at 11 a.m. and was not home yet. The hiker is not answering his phone. Cook County Search and Rescue and the US Forest Service began a search with a four-wheeler. Contact was made with the party at 1:40 p.m. The party was fine, he just got turned around and his cell phone died.
1:13 p.m. A party called to follow up on seeing a man lying in the ditch on the upper side of East Highway 61.
1:24 p.m. A party called from 1st Avenue West in Grand Marais reporting a small bear in their yard. Not hurting anything, just wanted to make people aware of it. The MN DNR was informed.
4:54 p.m. Cook County Public Health requested assistance with a child protection issue.
6:47 p.m. A party called from County Road 60 in Grand Marais to report that a trailer that had been stolen has been returned.
7:06 a.m. A party called from County Road 44 reporting two horses in her yard. Cook County contacted the presumed owner who will head over to pick them up.
8:46 p.m. There was a report of a Dodge Nitro rolled over on the Golf Course Road in Grand Marais. There were two juvenile male occupants and no injuries. The driver said he got sucked into the ditch and overcorrected, ending up in the opposite ditch.
11:12 p.m. A party was seen running behind Viking Plumbing in Grand Marais after knocking over all the traffic cones on the roadway. A deputy searched the area and was unable to find the individual. The traffic cones were set back up.

September 16
9:02 a.m. A semi driver going to Canada called because he was unsure of the traffic construction detour route. The trucker found a construction worker who helped him find the correct route.
12:03 p.m. The Gunflint Fire Department was paged to respond to a possible fire at Hungry Jack Lodge. Cook County was able to clarify with the lodge that there was no structure fire, but a brush fire. The lodge is putting a lot of water on the fire and doing some digging. The US Forest Service also responded. All responders were clear from the scene at 1:34 p.m.
12:34 p.m. A party called to report a bear cub downtown. Two additional calls came in reporting the cub at The Point. The call was transferred to the MN DNR.
2:26 p.m. A missing dog was reported near the Temperance River Road. The dog is an Australian shepherd.
3:52 p.m. A party on West Highway 61 reported a bear on a trail. It was not harming anyone. Cook County made a record of the sighting.
7:00 p.m. A caller said she had been hiking at Pincushion Mountain and could not find her way back. She ended up on a road identified as Aspen Court and Cedar Grove Lane. The sheriff’s office found the woman in the Cedar Grove Business Park and gave her a ride to the Pincushion parking lot.
7:32 p.m. A caller reported someone lurking by an unoccupied house in Grand Marais. A juvenile was found in the vicinity. The property owner was asked to come to check the property.
10:47 p.m. A party on West Highway 61 called to report a nuisance bear that has been visiting a dumpster. They did not need to talk to the Minnesota DNR tonight, but would follow up for tips on making the bear move on.

September 17
4:15 a.m. A party called from Grand Portage asking for help in getting an unwanted party out of his house. The party left before a deputy arrived, but suggestions were given on how to deal with the unwanted person.
5:04 a.m. There was a second call regarding the unwanted party, reporting that they were driving while intoxicated.
9:50 a.m. A party hit a deer on East Highway 61 and the vehicle is not driveable. The call was transferred to the Minnesota State Patrol. North Coast Towing responded and got the disabled vehicle off of the roadway.
1:46 p.m. US Forest Service law enforcement asked Cook County to check ownership for an abandoned camper around Thomsonite pit.
3:35 p.m. A party in Grand Marais asked for assistance with a juvenile female with possible mental health issues.
6:33 p.m. A party called from the Ski Hill Road in Lutsen asking for search and rescue to assist in getting some guests off of the mountain. Cook County responded to say that no one was lost, SAR would not be paged. The reporting party said they will respond with a four-wheeler.
6:44 p.m. Big Joe’s Salvage in Tofte said a party has been sneaking around the salvage yard and they are suspected of stealing vehicle parts.
6:50 p.m. A call was received from Grand Marais about a firepit that may be too close to a building. Cook County advised that fires can be 3’x3’.
6:53 p.m. A party called from Hovland expressing concern about a family member possibly on drugs. The individual seems to be hallucinating. The person is not threatening anyone, but there are concerns about self-harm. The individual was taken to North Shore Health.
7:56 p.m. There was a call from Grand Marais about suspicious activity at an unoccupied property. There was a suspicious person at this property yesterday as well. A deputy checked the residence and it did not appear to have been touched.
8:02 p.m. A party called from Lutsen reporting that two tents are set up on the powerline near their residence. The campers are not being loud, the caller just wondered if they can camp there. They are on a privately owned property which is currently for sale. Cook County advised that if there are no “no trespassing” signs or if they have not been asked to leave, they legally can be on the property.

September 18
8:04 a.m. A party called asking the sheriff’s office to check on his son who was camping in the Camp 20 Road area. The son had not checked in and the father was concerned he may have had car problems. The father called back at 8:15 a.m., saying he had reached his son and all is fine.
10:05 a.m. There was a call from a property owner on West Highway 61 reporting that someone possibly broke their gate and walked around their property. A deputy visited the location and found the gate and lock to be intact. It appears a package was delivered in the past few days. The reporting party checked cameras on the property and found that their plow contractor had seen the package at the gate and took it to the front door.
11:57 a.m. A party called from East Highway 61 reporting a person walking down the middle of Highway 61. The person doesn’t seem well. A deputy responded but the person could not be located.
1:50 p.m. A caller asked to speak to someone about “no trespassing” signs.
4 p.m. A party called from County Road 7 in Grand Marais reporting a person in a car with what looks like a radar gun, pointing it at cars going by. A deputy located the car. The person in the vehicle was talking on the phone.
4:24 p.m. A caller reported seeing a sheltie dog on 5th Avenue between the clinic and the recycling center. The caller said the dog looks lost and confused. The sheriff’s office checked the area and was unable to locate the dog.
5:11 p.m. A party at a restaurant said they are having problems hearing customer orders due to a Trump rally taking place about 100 feet from the restaurant. Cook County advised that city ordinances allowed for such gatherings in the C-1 Central Business District. A Black Lives Matter rally is also taking place in the C-1 Central Business District, closer to Wisconsin Street. See related WTIP story here.
5:42 p.m. A party on the Old Gunflint Trail called to report some noisy campers until 1 a.m. the night before. The parties are staying in two campsites, going back and forth. Today they were shooting off fireworks and firing a shotgun. The US Forest Service was informed and visited A citation was issued for firing a firearm in the campground.
7:39 p.m. A party in Grand Marais found a German shepherd on East 5th Street. Cook County contacted the possible owner, who checked. It was not their dog and Cook County tried another person who said it also was not his dog. Arrowhead Animal Rescue was contacted to take the dog to the pound. The owner called early the next morning to report a missing German shepherd and was informed that it was in the pound. The owner paid the $30 fee and claimed the dog.

September 19
2:05 a.m. A deputy noticed a car parked at Arrowhead Electric and investigated. The party was resting and charging their car at the electric cooperative.
10:44 a.m. A party in Grand Marais reported seeing a black or dark blue truck with Trump flags in the back stop at her neighbor’s yard. A male party jumped out and took a Black Lives Matter sign out of the yard, threw it in the back of the truck, and took off.
1:05 p.m. A caller from Grand Marais reported that their Biden-Harris sign was taken from their yard sometime between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
1:20 p.m. There was a report of a man on Wisconsin Street in Grand Marais, drinking out of a vodka bottle and being loud. A patrol was made of the area and there was no sign of the man.
1:24 p.m. A party called to say a side-by-side and a four-wheeler was driving recklessly on County Road 48 in Grand Marais. A conservation officer spoke with some ATVs about the behavior.
1:33 p.m. A camper at the Grand Portage Campground reported that some beer had been stolen out of their vehicle last night.
2:55 p.m. A party on County Road 6 in Grand Marais reported the theft of their Black Lives Matter and Biden signs.
3:17 p.m. The Grand Portage-Pigeon River Port of Entry called to say they had a Canadian who had made a wrong turn in possession of 35.7 grams of marijuana and 11.5 grams of hash.
3:27 p.m. Cook County received a 911 call from Broadway Avenue in Grand Marais, with no one speaking. The call was traced to a residence and when Cook County called, there was no problem. The party called back to say their 3-year-old was playing with an old phone.
4:04 p.m. A party reported seeing a female in a black vehicle trying to take a Trump sign from a neighbor’s yard. They were unable to do so because it was nailed to a tree.
5:32 p.m. A party on 4th Avenue in Grand Marais called to report a bear hanging around in her yard. The party didn’t need to talk to the MN DNR, just wanted to give Cook County a heads-up.
7:29 p.m. There was a call from West Highway 61 reporting a bear annoying people at the campground. The bear was located and chases away from the sites.
7:58 p.m. There was a report of an assault in Grand Portage.

September 20
3:48 a.m. The caller who had beer stolen from his truck the night before called back, stating that someone was prowling around his vehicle at the Grand Portage campground again.
10:00 a.m. There was a report of a couple fighting at a resort on West Highway 61. A deputy responded and was unable to locate a couple in the area.
11:42 a.m. A party called with questions about yard signs.
1:13 p.m. A party called from the Gunflint Trail to report Biden signs stolen from their property as well as their neighbor’s property.
7:36 p.m. A party called asking if Harry Styles or One Direction had ties to a Cook County school. The party also wanted to know why people from Minnesota were so nice and why they were following her. The party appeared to be having psychological problems, but would not give her location.

September 22
12:10 a.m. A party called from Bluefin Bay because their key card was not working. Cook County contacted Bluefin Bay and will assist the party to their room.
1:24 a.m. A party called from Grand Portage frightened because someone was standing in the back yard, looking at the house. The mother of the party called back saying there was a bear in the backyard earlier, but she did not see anyone at this time. Cook County responded and could not find anyone in the yard. A party was transported to North Shore Health for psychological evaluation.
8:50 a.m. A party called asking for assistance for a homeless person in Grand Marais. Public Health and Human Services was contacted and will assist.
9:32 a.m. There was a report of a two-car collision in front of Hungry Hippie Tacos. Parties refused medical attention.
12:08 p.m. Cook County received a request to be on the lookout for a possibly suicidal party someone on the North Shore.
1:52 p.m. There was a report of a two-car collision on West Highway 61. The crash was transferred to Minnesota State Patrol.
4:45 p.m. A party called from the Gunflint Trail asking for help with a flat tire. Information was given for local towing companies.
5:27 p.m. A party reported a stolen girl’s bike. It is purple with “2 Cool” on it with pink pegs. A deputy patrolled around Grand Portage and was unable to find the bike.
6:35 p.m. A party called from Grand Marais reporting a black bear in their back yard. Cook County advised the caller to ensure that no food is left outside and the bear will move on. It did, to the neighbor’s yard.
6:49 p.m. A party called with concerns about her neighbor’s dog. It is not aggressive, but she is nervous that it will knock her down. The party just wants it on record.
9:27 p.m. A party from Putt and Pets asked for a business check as they thought they may have forgotten to lock the door.
9:45 p.m. There was a report of a mother bear and two cubs in a Dumpster in Grand Marais. The party asked if a deputy could help scare them away. A deputy responded, but the bears have vacated the area.

September 23
6:46 a.m. A vehicle was spotted in the ditch on Devil Track Road. The owner said they had swerved to avoid hitting a bear. A tow has been arranged for later today.
8:25 a.m. There was a report of a possibly abandoned vehicle on the side of the Ski Hill Road in Lutsen The car is a 1980 Ford Pinto. It is not a hazard but will be towed off.
11:06 a.m. A party requested a welfare check for his son, who is staying in Lutsen with his mother. There are concerns about the mental health of the woman and whether or not the youth is doing his online schooling. Cook County made a visit and the woman not seem intoxicated and showed no signs of impairment. The deputy said nothing criminal, or child neglect or endangerment was observed.
1:23 p.m. A party stopped at the Holiday Station in Grand Marais and heard a baby screaming from a parked van. The mother came out of the store and left. A deputy visited the family home to ask what had happened. The mother said the child was sleeping and she just ran in to get bread. The mother was cautioned of the dangers of leaving a child unattended in a vehicle and was given a reprimand.
2:09 p.m. The caretaker at Birchwood Apartments called about the ongoing bear problem. They were referred to the Minnesota DNR. A conservation officer responded and chased the bear away using the squad air horn.
3:23 p.m. A party on East Highway 61 called to let the sheriff’s office know that her husband had just fired off four shots to scare off a bear in their area.
4:09 p.m. A juvenile in Grand Marais called to report that a sibling was out of control and threatening to run away. A deputy responded to assist.
5:47 p.m. A party called the sheriff’s office asking for help locating a sibling who needs to return home because of a family emergency. Cook County starting contacting lodging establishments throughout the county. The party called back at 7:06 p.m. to say they had reached the family member and they were on their way home.
7:31 p.m. Cook County received a dispatch about a vehicle stolen in Saginaw, Minn. The car was last seen in Duluth and the driver was asking about directions to Canada. A deputy checked the Grand Portage Lodge and Trading Post, Grand Portage State Park, and the American Legion parking areas. There was no sign of the vehicle. Another report came in at 9:33 p.m. reporting that the vehicle had been recovered near International Falls.
8:27 p.m. A caller from Birchwood Apartments reported that the bears chased off by the conservation officer with the air horn from a squad car were back. The small hand-held air horns do not work. The building manager was advised to talk to North Shore Waste about getting some bars and locking the Dumpster. The manager will do so. AT 8:51 p.m., the bears had vacated the area.
10:09 p.m. Another call came in about the bears at the Dumpster at Birchwood Apartments. The manager is concerned because the bears are near the building entrances. A deputy agreed to hang out on the scene. The bears came back at 11:20 p.m. and the deputy scared them off.

September 24
12:37 p.m. There was a report of a domestic assault in Grand Marais.
6:39 a.m. A party came in to the law enforcement center to report an injured fawn on the side of the road in Grand Marais. The reporting party would have dispatched it, but could not shoot within the city limits. A deputy responded but was unable to find the deer.
11:38 a.m. There was a request for a welfare check from Cook County Public Health and Human Services for a female in Grand Marais having mental health issues. The party was transported to North Shore Health.
12:18 p.m. A party reported a red Ram 4×4 truck driving recklessly down the Gunflint Trail.
1:53 p.m. A party reported a bear and a cub in a tree at his house on 2nd Avenue East in Grand Marais. The bears were not being aggressive, but the party wanted the sheriff’s office to be aware of the bear.
4:45 p.m. A request came in for assistance with traffic control at a church on West Highway 61 as flu shots are being given and the waiting line could cause issues. A deputy responded, but traffic was no longer an issue.
5:06 p.m. A party called from Grand Marais reporting a different bear in his yard. This bear appears to have some sort of front leg injury. Cook County said they will pass the information on to the conservation officers, however, there is no one on duty at this time. Deputies will be on the lookout for the bear.
5:28 p.m. A party on West 9th Street in Grand Marais called about four bears that are refusing to leave her yard. They are not being aggressive. The call was transferred to the MN DNR.

September 25
7:31 p.m. A caller reported seeing a vehicle hit the guard rail and go in the ditch on East Highway 61. The party was at her sister’s house and had called for a tow.
9:23 p.m. A motorist on West Highway 61 reported hitting a bear. There was minimal damage to the vehicle and the bear was dead and off the road.
10:21 p.m. A party at Bearskin Lodge called to report flooding in the cabin. They were unable to get ahold of the lodge owner. Cook County reached the owner who will send someone over right away.

September 16
12:25 a.m. A party reported a loud party in the Grand Marais Municipal Campground. A deputy drove through the campground and up to the campsite and did not hear any loud voices or music.
1:57 a.m. A deputy noticed a vehicle running with no one around and the doors locked. Cook County tried to reach the vehicle owner but was only able to leave a voice mail.
10:08 a.m. A party called looking for help with a vehicle. It was determined the party was trying to reach the city of Cook, Minn.
12:00 p.m. A party called from Cascade Beach Road in Grand Marais and asked for help with a dead battery. North Coast Towing responded to assist.
1:00 p.m. A caller reported a manhole cover slightly off on Broadway Avenue in Grand Marais. They were worried about someone getting hurt. A deputy drove up and down Broadway and was not able to locate a manhole uncovered.
1:37 p.m. A party called from West Highway 61 reporting that some people had treed a bear and are now standing around taking pictures of it. Cook County shared the information with the MN DNR.
2:23 p.m. A party called from Grand Portage saying that two panels, about 8-feet in length of copper decking had been stolen.
2:33 p.m. There was a report of a dead bear on the side of the road on West Highway 61. Cook County shared the information with the MN DNR.
3:59 p.m. There was a report of a two-vehicle crash between an SUV and a pickup in Tofte. Tofte and Schroeder Fire Departments and First Responders and Cook County Ambulance were paged, but there were no apparent injuries. A caller said traffic was backing up.
5:04 p.m. A party on Pike Lake Road reported that someone was yelling at some hunters. MN DNR conservation officers responded and the party said he was yelling because they were shooting towards his property. Cook County assisted the DNR with the investigation of firing a firearm next to the road. A citation was issued for trespassing.
5:24 p.m. There was a report of a bear in the tree outside the public library. The bear isn’t hurting anyone or being a disturbance. Cook County shared the information with the MN DNR.

September 27
3:07 a.m. A camper called from Grand Marais saying they caught a person going through their vehicle. The prowler was located in Lutsen and was found to have an open container, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia. The party was cited for those items, as well as for tampering with a motor vehicle.
10:36 a.m. A party in Grand Marais reported that their garbage had been spread out on Friday and Saturday night. They didn’t think it was bear activity. Cook County advised it likely was and said to make noise if they hear something outside and to take the garbage to waste management.
12:34 p.m. There was a report of a motorcycle accident in Tofte. A male and female were involved, but no medical transport was needed.
1:17 p.m. A car went into the ditch on West Highway 61 and had one tire off the ground. There was concern that the vehicle might roll and the driver kept a foot on the brake pedal while waiting for a tow. The vehicle was pulled out of the ditch. There were no injuries.
2:11 p.m. A party called to report finding a car from the 1960s in the woods. The party said it could be from a car crash 40 years ago and could be connected to a “cold case file.”
3:06 p.m. A caller from Lutsen reported harassment on Facebook. They have tried blocking the person and they made a new account. Cook County advised they go to court administration to get a restraining order. The matter was also shared with the Violence Prevention Center.
4:54 p.m. A Ford 1-ton with a trailer was broken down on the Gunflint Trail, partly blocking the lane. They have to wait for a tow from Duluth, so a deputy assisted the motorist in putting the truck in neutral to back it out of the traffic lane.
5:29 p.m. A party in a 2014 Chevy Malibu hit a deer and the airbags deployed. The two occupants were injured and transported to North Shore Health.
6:02 p.m. A motorist in a ¾-ton Chevy Silverado pickup called to report being rear-ended at the stop sign at the bottom of the Sawbill Trail in Tofte by a Ford Fiesta. No tow is needed, the party just wanted to report the incident.
11:33 p.m. A party at the Tofte General Store called to report harassing mail. The mail is a complaint about high prices and the sheriff’s office said that does not constitute a crime.

September 28
6:55 a.m. A party on 5th Avenue West reported that a bear had tipped over a trash can and has trash everywhere. The bear was not being aggressive. Cook County shared the information with the MN DNR.
7:48 a.m. A party on East Highway 61 I Grand Marais said someone turned around in his driveway, kicking up gravel and making a pile in the middle of the driveway
8:15 a.m. A party in Grand Marais wants to install drain tile but needs to know about underground lines. Cook County told the caller to contact the Grand Marais Public Utility Commission for help.
10:39 a.m. A deputy saw a bear in downtown Grand Marais, being followed by a crowd. The deputy was able to get the bear out of downtown, it is in a berry tree on the upper side of the highway. The bear seems content. The deputy will check back later.
3:16 p.m. There was a complaint of loud music, fireworks, and shooting guns in Lutsen. The party said this has happened for the past two weekends and asked if the sheriff’s office could check on the property over the next weekend.
3:24 p.m. There was a call from Grand Marais for assistance in removing an unwanted person. The person is likely under the influence of drugs. The person was located and advised to stay away. Another call came in at 5:54, stating the party was back. The party was again asked to leave and extra patrols will be made during the night to ensure the party does not return.
6:04 p.m. A woman called to report that her husband and daughter were lost in the woods, near Elephant and Plat Lake. It was determined the parties were in St. Louis County and the call was transferred there.
6:36 p.m. A caller reported a person walking across the road and standing in the middle of the road on East Highway 61.
9:12 p.m. A party called from Grand Marais to say she needed help because her spouse was yelling at her. She didn’t want to leave because she didn’t want to drive in the rain. There were no hotels available in the area, so the parties agreed to stay together tonight and to go to bed.

September 30
3:48 p.m. Cook County received a report to be on the lookout for a possibly suicidal male heading up the Gunflint to the Boundary Waters.
5:54 p.m. A party called saying it was not an emergency, they just needed to talk to someone. The Cook County Community Help Line phone number was given. That number is 218-877-7071
8:24 p.m. A deputy heard from a party in Grand Portage that two juveniles were driving around regularly and neither has a driver’s license.
10:21 p.m. Naniboujou Lodge reported receiving a call from a person looking for the Violence Prevention Center. They wanted the sheriff’s office to know so they could check on the party.

To contact the Cook County Sheriff’s Office in a non-emergency, call 218-387-3030. In emergencies, dial 9-1-1.