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Aaron Mollin-Kling is the new Cook County Firewise Coordinator
Firewise Minnesota

Aaron Mollin-Kling is the new Cook County Firewise Coordinator

The Cook County Firewise Program is instrumental in promoting wildlife preparedness and educating homeowners on ways to protect their property from wildfire risks.

Elsa Lunde has been the Cook County Firewise Coordinator for the past two years. However, she announced earlier this year that she would leave the position. She has been attending Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, and pursuing a double major in biology and environmental studies. 

“She really did a great job,” Mike Keyport, the emergency management director for Cook County, said. 

A new Firewise Coordinator, Aaron Mollin-Kling, recently stepped into the position on May 1. Mollin-Kling is currently the Lake County Firewise Coordinator. He will oversee both Lake and Cook County.

Keyport said this isn’t the first time that Lake and Cook County have shared a Firewise Coordinator. The position was combined and run by Todd Armbruster before Elsa Lunde. 

Mollin-Kling worked as an intern under Armbruster until taking over the Lake County Firewise Coordinator position. 

“We’re pretty excited to have him,” Keyport said. “I’m really looking forward to working with Aaron and getting to know him.” 

Keyport said the Firewise Program would focus efforts in the Lutsen area this summer to educate homeowners and conduct assessments. 

Sign up for an assessment or learn more about the Firewise program on the Cook County Firewise webpage.

Firewise Coordinator Aaron Mollin-King can be reached at 218-370-8966 or by email at:

WTIP’s Kalli Hawkins spoke with Mike Keyport, the emergency management director for Cook County, about the Firewise Program and the new Firewise Coordinator. Audio below.