American Legion Post 413 finds “home” at Harbor Light
When the Grandma Ray’s building sold last winter, American Legion Post 413 needed to find a new “home.” They needed a place to hold meetings and to display the historical veterans photos and other memorabilia that was kept at Grandma Ray’s, which was once the American Legion lounge.
Post 413 has found that “home” at Harbor Light Bar & Grill in Grand Marais. Brad Rude, Jr., the new proprietor has dedicated space in the building specifically for the Legion. The meeting room is a nicely paneled room with a large photo of the Legion Honor Guard leading a community parade. The photo is flanked by the U.S. and American Legion flags.
In another room, to the west of the bar, the large display cases filled with photos of Cook County veterans are hung for all to appreciate.
WTIP’s Rhonda Silence checked in with Post 413 Commander Bob Mattson to find out more about the Legion’s new space.