Episode 63 WTIP Boundary Waters Podcast
It’s the end of the ice fishing season for lake trout in the Boundary Waters.
The WTIP Boundary Waters Podcast team had a good year of ice fishing. In this episode, Gunflint Trail resident Mike Seim talks with Joe about a variety of topics related to lake trout in the BWCA.
Also of interest, a recent study out of the University of Manitoba in Canada shows some lake predators are changing their behavior due to climate change, which may have a wide-ranging effect on lake trout and the entire ecosystem of certain lakes in Ontario and northern Minnesota.
Matthew Guzzo is the lead author of the study. He shares some additional perspective on lake trout throughout the episode.
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Werner Bahner-Würth.
Boundary Waters Podcast is supported in part by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.