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Pack & Paddle – Winter Super Shelter

In this edition of “Pack & Paddle”, Scott Oeth talks about the “Winter Super Shelter”.  According to Scott, “A legendary Canadian survival instructor, Mors Kochanski, developed signigicant improvements on the classic lean-to shelter.  He added a covering of a thin piece of clear plastic sheeting to create a protective bubble, added a mylar space blanket to the interior sloped wall to reflect heat back down onto the occupant, and, it is ideally combined with a raised bed structure to allow warm air from the external fire to circulate up under the occupant.  The basic component of this shelter take up little more space than a water bottle, yet it can be an absolute life saver in an emergency!  The ‘Kochanski Super Shelter’ can also be used for cold weather camping, or simply to make a fun outside hangout on a cold day”.