Traveling the Old North Shore – Joanne Hart and Life at the Old Pigeon River Crossing

Cabin at site of old border crossing, 1930s. Cook County Historical Society
For several decades Joanne Hart and her family lived on a remote homestead along the Pigeon River – once the site of the former Highway 61 border crossing. It was an isolated location lying within the Grand Portage Indian Reservation.
Joanne was a writer and an academic, and a respected member of the Grand Portage community. Tribal member Rick Anderson recalls his friendship with Joanne.

Former border crossing site, near the Hart homestead. Cook County Historical Society/Joanne Hart
The Hart family eventually transferred ownership of their property to the Grand Portage Band. Remnants of their homestead remain at the old border crossing along the Pigeon River.
Additional thanks to Rick Novitsky, Mary Deschampe, Joe Hart and Cook County Historical Society archives.

Witch Tree – Joanne Hart and Hazel Belvo collaboration
Traveling the Old North Shore is a WTIP North Shore Community Radio ongoing feature produced by Martha Marnocha.
Traveling the Old North Shore is supported in part by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.