Weather Alert
Joe Friedrichs

Arrowhead Electric CEO details ‘behind the scenes’ during a power outage

A collection of Cook County residents recently found themselves without power during the first big winter storm of the season.

Across the county, some customers of Arrowhead Electric Cooperative were without power as snow and strong winds rolled through the area Dec. 5 and 6.

Temperatures fell into the single digits during the storm, with steady winds at 15 to 20 mph and gusts up to 50 mph.

So what exactly happens at the Arrowhead Electric Cooperative when the power goes out?

The easy answer is: many things happen. Among the action items are communication with the Cook County Sheriff’s Department, the dispatching of line crews, utilizing data and technology inside the Arrowhead facility to understand the areas impacted by the outage and other steps to address the situation.

To learn more, WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs recently traveled to the local power company in Lutsen and spoke with Arrowhead CEO/General Manager John Twiest and shares this report. Audio below.

Click here to learn more about what to do during a power outage in Cook County for Arrowhead Electric customers.