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As educators get vaccinated, Cook County will release important next steps on Monday

Many questions continue to swirl throughout Cook County regarding the vaccination process for local residents amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

During the week of Jan. 18-22 a collection of local residents in the 1b tier of the vaccine rollout were vaccinated at the Cook County Community Center in Grand Marais. Most of these people were educators at local schools.

WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs spoke with one of them, Katie Mumm, a paraprofessional at Birch Grove School in Tofte. Listen to the audio below to hear the full interview from Jan. 22.

Despite advancing into the 1b tier, the rate of vaccine distribution remains somewhat limited in Cook County at this time. However, an important announcement is expected from local public health officials and Sawtooth Mountain Clinic on Monday, Jan. 25. The announcement will address the next steps in the vaccination process.

Tune in at 7:40 a.m. on the Daybreak program on WTIP to learn the details from Cook County Public Health Supervisor Grace Grinager. During a live interview, Grinager will share for the first time the details of an important week ahead for getting people vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Hear the interview on 90.7 FM in Grand Marais or stream online at

Many of the details Grianger will first share publicly on WTIP will then be announced at 11 a.m. via a press release.