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Community members seek to support peace efforts in Gaza
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Community members seek to support peace efforts in Gaza

On Jan. 9, the Grand Marais First Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) hosted a public meeting for discussion and organizing. The topic for the night was how the Cook County community can contribute to efforts to support peace in Gaza. The area has been the central location for the war between Israel and Palestinian Hamas-led militant groups since Oct. 7, 2023.

In the invitation distributed through the area churches, First Congregational UCC Reverend Enno Limvere wrote, “While we may not have a direct hand in the conflict, we can have a direct role in the path to peace, and in the relief aid given to the innocent people, especially children, who have been affected.”

More than a dozen community members attended the meeting (including two people who participated through Zoom), to discuss potential ways that residents of Cook County could organize in an effort to support victims of violence in Gaza. Several of the area church leaders were in attendance, but a church affiliation was not required for participation. Reasons for attending varied. Many, like Gwen Mattice, said that they wanted to better understand the conflict and the experiences of Gaza residents. Mattice said, “I just came to learn.”

Other attendees had a history of following the decades-long conflict. Schroeder resident Gregg Westigard said, “I have been involved with peace with justice issues in the middle east for years.”  Citing his own past organizing with the Episcopal church on the issue, Westigard expressed the importance he sees in local efforts at awareness and understanding. When asked what brought him to the meeting, he said “The chance for people to share their views, learn from one another, and develop a deeper understanding is why I’m here.”

At the meeting, the attendees divided into three groups to address three separate organizational efforts: providing education about the conflict to the Cook County community, coordinating fundraising efforts for existing relief and aid groups, and organizing political action to show support for a ceasefire.

The meeting organizers are hoping that this will be just the first of many meetings centered on this topic. There are already plans to meet again on Thursday, Jan. 18 at 5:30 p.m. at the First Congregational UCC for further planning, and to begin a post-card campaign for contacting elected leaders.

After the meeting Pastor Tom Murray of Lutsen Lutheran Church offered his thoughts on the organizing efforts, “My hope for this initiative is to find a pathway for folks in Cook County to come together to help families brutalized by war.  The conflict in Gaza is difficult to understand because of its history, but wanting to help people caught in a desperate situation is an easy decision to make.  We should be a part of the solution in whatever way we can.”

Anyone seeking more information on the preliminary organizing or on how to get involved can contact First Congregational UCC Reverend Enno Limvere at


1/15/24 EDIT: The date and time of the upcoming meeting referenced in this article was adjusted by the meeting organizers, and has been updated in this article to reflect the new date and time.