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Joe Friedrichs

Cook County and North Shore Health hire public information coordinator

Nick Cusick is a name, voice and face many in Cook County will become familiar with in the months and potentially years ahead.

Cusick was recently appointed as the new public information coordinator for both Cook County and North Shore Health. The position will be shared and funded equally between the county and the local healthcare facility.

The Cook County Board of Commissioners voted 3-1 to approve hiring Cusick for the position. Commissioner Stacey Hawkins voted against hiring Cusick for the job, noting the cost to the county as her primary reason of concern.

WTIP spoke with County Administrator James Joerke and North Shore Health Hospital Administrator Kimber Wraalstad about the need for a public information officer on multiple occasions during the months leading up to Cusick’s hire. The necessity for the position, according to both administrators, was largely rooted in the immediate ties to the COVID-19 pandemic as well long-term goals of effectively communicating the work and objectives for each organization with the public.

WTIP spoke with Cusick about his background in public relations and communication, as well as his thoughts on moving to Cook County. The audio below is their full conversation.