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Dennis Chick captures northern Minnesota in all seasons
Photo courtesy of Dennis Chick

Dennis Chick captures northern Minnesota in all seasons

Dennis Chick is a frequent photo submitter to WTIP. His work, mostly his landscapes and nature photos, has been featured on the WTIP website and in the Stay Tuned newsletter. He splits his time between the Twin Cities area and a cabin on Hungry Jack Lake. He said that his goal in photographing Cook County is to be able to take some of the Northern landscape back to the cities with him.

Chick said that the way that the seasons change in Northern Minnesota keep photographing nature interesting. He said that he tries to shoot during every season. He said, “It’s all so unique. So that’s what draws me to it.”


Snowflake. Photo by Dennis Chick

Lightning over Hungry Jack Lake. Photo by Dennis Chick











As for how he finds his subjects, Chick said it’s a mix. Something like photographing the night sky may require some planning and set-up, but he tries to remain open to unexpected photograph opportunities. He said, “When I go for a walk, I take my camera with me. And I’m probably going to get surprised by something along the way, wherever I’m going. So it’s like my camera is on my hip almost all the time.”

WTIP’s Kirsten Wisniewski spoke to Dennis Chick about how his photography process, and why he submits photos to WTIP. Audio from that interview is below.

Daisies. Photo by Dennis Chick