Weather Alert
Finland Fire Department

Fire danger is high in the Northland

The U.S. Forest Service, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and Finland and Silver Bay fire departments responded to a grass fire in the Finland area on May 5. According to U.S. Forest Service Fire Management Officer Patty Johnson, it was a relatively small fire and was taken care of quickly. The fire dubbed the Isabella fire burned six acres.

Johnson said the fire was started by an ATV that caught on fire, spreading to nearby grasses.

Three Forest Service engines responded, along with a J5 Trak vehicle from the DNR. They were also assisted by the Silver Bay and Finland fire departments.

Johnson said although this fire was extinguished fairly quickly, it demonstrates that caution must be used at this time.

Johnson said, “People need to be really diligent when recreating in the woods. This time of year all the grass, leaf litter, and need cast is dry so even driving through an area like that with a hot exhaust of a vehicle that throws a spark can light a fire on dry, windy days.

She added, “Also, with the lack of precipitation the last couple weeks and the outlook for no precip the next week, fire danger is going to continue to climb.

“The cooler temps also mean that green-up will be delayed,” said Johnson.

The Minnesota Incident Command System, which oversees fire season activities posted to Twitter that we are at the peak of fire season in Minnesota and conditions are dry in the northland. This afternoon low relative humidities and gusty winds have elevated to near-critical fire weather conditions in NE and NW Minnesota. Please refrain from burning activities.