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Grand Marais Fire Department asks residents to “adopt a fire hydrant”

The winter of 2020-2021 brought a total of 56.5 inches of snow to the North Shore. As 2021 ended, our seasonal snowfall had already totaled 56.5 inches. That means large snowbanks everywhere, including around the very important fire hydrants in the city of Grand Marais. That has prompted a request from the Grand Marais Fire Department for residents to “Adopt a Fire Hydrant.”

Firefighters across the state are asking Minnesotans to clear snow from around fire hydrants, as a covered hydrant can cost extra minutes and result in more damage when firefighters respond to a house fire.

WTIP’s Mark Abrahamson spoke with Grand Marais Fire Chief Ben Silence about the “Adopt a Fire Hydrant” program, which asks residents to clear more than just their driveways. Residents are asked to clear at least three feet around the hydrant in their neighborhood and to ensure that the marker pointing to the hydrant is standing and clear as well.

There are no forms to complete to adopt a fire hydrant, but the fire department would like to know if a resident or group of residents are caring for a hydrant. Anyone interested in taking on the task can let Fire Chief Ben Silence know by calling 218-370-9959.

Here’s Mark with Fire Chief Silence with more.