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ISD 166 principal shares thoughts on former superintendent who recently passed away
Rhonda Silence

ISD 166 principal shares thoughts on former superintendent who recently passed away

A former top official at the local Cook County School District passed away this month.

Former I.S.D. 166 Superintendent Dr. Bill Crandall died Sept. 9.

Crandall was a dual superintendent for Lake Superior School District in Two Harbors and Silver Bay and Cook County public schools for several years. He resigned from his post in 2020 when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

When he was the superintendent at ISD 166, Crandall often took time to speak with WTIP about a variety of topics relevant to the community and the local school district. He often spoke with WTIP’s now retired reporter, Rhonda Silence. The two spoke on a variety of topics, from board meetings to classroom instruction, typically after school board meetings.

“All of us at WTIP were sad to hear about Dr. Crandall’s passing,” Silence said. “It was a pleasure to work with him during his time at ISD 166. He was just a super nice guy and easy to work with.”

I.S.D. 166 Principal Megan Myers spoke with WTIP to share memories and thoughts on Crandall and his impact on the local and regional schools. Audio below.