Local firefighters complete live fire training
The Grand Marais Fire Hall was the site of a fire on Saturday, April 9—a fire that reignited over and over. Although it created a cloud of black smoke in the area, it was nothing to be concerned about. It was part of training for new firefighters on the North Shore.
New members of the Grand Marais, Maple Hill, Finland, and Silver Bay fire departments took part in two days of training over the weekend with Blue Fire Training.
On Saturday, the training included donning fire turnout gear and hauling hoses into a live burn trailer to observe fire behavior and to practice spraying techniques.
Nearly all of the local volunteer fire departments could use more volunteers willing to complete training to join the departments. There are other ways to assist the departments as well, with things such as traffic control, or grant writing. Anyone who would like to learn more can contact Cook County Emergency Management at (218) 387-3059 or Lake County Emergency Management at (218)226-4444.
WTIP was on hand to observe the training. Here’s a look at the action.