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Lutsen has contested race for supervisor

Tuesday, March 10 is an important day for the West End townships of Lutsen, Tofte and Schroeder. All of the townships will be holding elections and annual meetings. Polls are open from 5 – 8 p.m. The annual meetings follow at 8 p.m.

In Lutsen, citizens will vote and gather for their annual meeting at the town hall at 116 Caribou Trail.

Candidates have come forward to run for all of the offices up for election, but not all will be on the ballot.
Lutsen town clerk Sharon Hexum-Platzer is running again for the clerk seat.

Colleen Brennan has filed to run for the one-year supervisor seat, to fill the vacancy created when a supervisor resigned.

Incumbent supervisor Andrew Beavers is running for reelection and Lollie Cooper has filed to run for that office as well. Click below to hear interviews with those candidates.

Lutsen also needs a treasurer candidate but no one came forward in time to be on the printed ballot. However, Ashley VanDoren agreed to run for the seat. Because she announced after the filing deadline, she is a write-in candidate for treasurer.

Schroeder citizens meet at the town hall at 124 Cramer Road.

Incumbent supervisor Rick Anderson has filed for reelection.

The current clerk, Doug Schwecke, announced months ago that he would not be running for reelection. Schwecke contacted WTIP to let us know that a citizen has stepped forward.

Anna Green has agreed to serve as clerk, if elected. So, she is now a write-in candidate for the position.

Schroeder is also hoping to find an assistant town clerk, a non-elected position.

The Tofte township normally meets at its town hall on Tofte Park Road. However on March 10, the township will gather for elections and annual meeting at the Birch Grove Community Center at 9 Good Neighbor Hill Road.

In Tofte, both incumbent board members on the ballot — Clerk Kay Burkett and Supervisor Craig Horak have filed for reelection. Neither candidate faces any opposition.

An interview with Lutsen township supervisor candidate Lollie Cooper

An interview with Lutsen township supervisor candidate Andrew Beavers