Public comment period begins for master-planning improvements to Grand Marais Recreation Area
The City of Grand Marais is in the beginning stages of developing a long-range master plan for the Grand Marais Recreation Area, which serves Grand Marais residents and visitors as a campground, marina, and public park.
In 2009, the city developed a plan for future improvements. Some of the recommendations from that plan have been implemented, including a community connection pocket park, removal of the municipal swimming pool and public utility garages, and an upgraded public water access.
The city is now interested in learning how residents and visitors use and experience the Grand Marais Recreation Area and what desires they have for future investments in the campground, marina, and park area.
The city is currently working with HKGi, a Twin Cities-based company to update the previous concept plan, incorporate public and stakeholder engagement, and develop a long-term vision for the Rec Park. The city has completed an initial application for regional designation to the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC), and a master plan is a required next step for the park to achieve regional designation and to potentially access Legacy funding for improvements.
The new master plan must include certain elements as required by the state process. One of the requirements is public comments and input. Dave Tersteeg, the parks and recreation director, said in a recent interview with WTIP, the public input and planning is a large piece of this project.
The Grand Marais Recreation Park survey is available online and paper copies are available at the Park Office, Library and City Hall. Survey input will be reviewed and considered by city staff and the Park Board to help determine priorities for the master plan.
Find the survey here:
The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete, and responses will be accepted through the end of June, 2023.
WTIP’s CJ Heithoff spoke with Tersteeg about the start to the public comment period for the Grand Marais Recreation Area master-planning process. Audio from the interview is below.