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School District 166

School District 166 approves new superintendent contract

After voting to hire Christopher Lindholm at a special meeting on May 19, the school board of ISD 166 had a regular monthly meeting on May 20. See the related WTIP report here: School District 166’s new superintendent speaks to WTIP

The regular meeting was shorter than many recent meetings, but the board still discussed a variety of matters. One of the first items was the approval of the contract for the new superintendent, who had agreed to the school’s terms in negotiations with Board Member Rena Rogers. The contract is for three years with a starting salary of $122,648. The district also agreed to pay up to $6,000 in moving expenses.

Also on the agenda was a request for approval of “outside employment” for Principal Megan Myers. Speaking with WTIP Community Radio, Myers explained further what that employment is. Her husband has purchased Almost Home Appliances from Kim and Wendy Linnell in Grand Marais. As a co-owner, Myers said she will be helping out and she wanted to let the school board know. The board gave its approval and best wishes.

The board accepted, with regrets, the resignation of math teacher Megan Rubbelke. Rubbelke is leaving School District 166 to teach in Bulgaria. The board acknowledged that she was leaving to pursue a lifetime wish to teach abroad, but noted that she will be very much missed.

Principal and Acting Superintendent Myers also reported that the school’s culinary arts area is being put to use by the community. Angry Trout Restaurant is using the school’s commercial kitchen and the WISE group will be hosting its annual Fisherman’s Picnic Buffet as a take-out, based at the school.

Assistant Principal Mitch Dorr gave an update on graduation plans and the parade. He said 42 students are taking part in the commencement exercises, which will again be a walk-through the Pam Taylor Gymnasium with no audience. However, the bleachers will be filled with decorated luminaries and Dorr encouraged the community to come out along the graduation parade route to show support for the Class of 2021. The parade route can be seen here.

WTIP’s Rhonda Silence checked in with Principal Megan Myers–who will be acting superintendent for one more month–to hear about all this and more. Here’s their conversation.