Rhonda Silence

School District 166 asks for community input on superintendent search

The School District 166 school board met on Tuesday, April 6, to complete the “planning phase” of its superintendent search.

The school board worked with representatives of the Minnesota School Board Association, which the school has hired to facilitate the superintendent search. At Tuesday’s meeting, they set key dates in the process, which will include interview training and question selection, the application deadline, and interview schedules.

School Board Chair Dan Shirley told WTIP that there will be public meetings throughout this process. None of it will be in closed session, not even the candidate interviews, according to Shirley.

At the meeting the board finalized the brochure to be used in advertising the position – it includes points of pride about the school district and Cook County, as well as the attributes the school board is looking for in a successful candidate. To see the brochure, click here.

Superintendent applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on May 3 and the new superintendent will begin work in the district on July 1, 2021.

The board also agreed to distribute what they call a stakeholder survey. To see and/or take the survey click here: Cook County ISD 166 Superintendent Search

Any interested party who would prefer to complete the survey on paper may download the form here and return it to the school district office. Surveys are due by April 15.

All responses are anonymous. Shirley said the information collected will provide valuable input for the school board to consider as they move ahead in selecting the next superintendent of School District 166.