Weather Alert
Smoke from Canadian wildfires prevalent across Superior National Forest, North Shore area
Forest Service
Outdoor News

Smoke from Canadian wildfires prevalent across Superior National Forest, North Shore area

Smoke from Canadian wildfires is prevalent across much of the Superior National Forest and the North Shore today, Sunday, May 12. 

A significant fire in British Columbia began on Friday, May 10, and almost doubled in size the following day, reaching 4200 acres, according to the Associated Press. British Columbia Service maps showed the fire burning just a few miles west of Fort Nelson’s city limits. 

Due to the smoke from the Canadian fire, the National Weather Service in Duluth said smoke is likely to encompass a significant part of northeastern Minnesota and the Arrowhead region. 

In addition to the Canadian wildfires, the U.S. Forest Service began a planned prescribed burn north of Ely on May 12. The approximately 208-acre North Hegman prescribed fire is occurring partially in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), near BWCAW entry point #77. 

Fire managers said recent precipitation, humidity levels, and other conditions aligned to begin the prescribed burn on Mother’s Day. 

“The amount of rain as well as when and where it falls in the area over the next few days is the biggest determining factor of when we can implement this prescribed fire,” Jeb Backe, the west zone fire management officer, said in a recently released statement. 

During the prescribed burn, the Hegman Lake Entry Point #77, portage trail, and campsites might be closed, impacting travel. Following the prescribed fire implementation, the areas will be safely reopened. Forest Service officials said, “During active burning, smoke and flames may be visible from areas near the unit.”

If conditions hold, Forest Service officials said that planned prescribed burning south of Ely will begin shortly. The Forest Service will burn 148 acres in the Fenske Ridge unit, south of Fenske Lake along County Road 116. Then, burn 92 acres south of the Ely airport. 

Additional prescribed burning is planned for areas near Virginia and east of Hoyt Lakes. In Cook County, the Forest Service will move forward with prescribed burns near Greenwood Lake.