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Proposed apartment complex in Grand Marais moves to next step in permitting process

Proposed apartment complex in Grand Marais moves to next step in permitting process

The Cook County Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and Minnesota-based P&R Development will continue discussing with city officials their goal to build housing in Grand Marais.

The HRA and Duluth-based developer requested a conditional use permit (CUP) to construct a 51-unit apartment complex on the inside curve leading up the Gunflint Trail within city limits during a May 3 Grand Marais Planning and Zoning committee meeting.

Over 40 people attended in person or watched the meeting live on YouTube. In addition, 13 written public comments were submitted prior to the meeting. Public comments consisted of a mix of support for the housing project and concerns over safety and traffic. 

After a nearly 2-hour meeting, the planning and zoning committee approved the conditional use permit with established conditions. The conditions include the following:

  • Cook County Highway Engineer reviews and formally approves a traffic plan and techniques to make the area as safe as possible.
  • The city council gets to review and give final approval on the project’s second phase. The second phase includes adding another apartment building on the site.
  • Stormwater management plan

Jason Hale, the executive director of the HRA, said during the meeting the issuance of the land use permit, which is the next step in the process, is subject to these conditions. 

“One thing that I think is important to make clear is this permit doesn’t say ‘okay, go ahead and build it like no other thing is necessary.’ The development still has to go through the normal land use permit process.” He added, “This (CUP) is to allow a use in a zoned district that requires a special permit.”

Earlier this year, the city sold the land where the apartments would be built to the HRA for $1. Following that, planning and zoning and the city council changed the zoning ordinance so such a project would be allowed in this location. 

There remain many unknowns with the proposed project. P&R Development and the HRA will be assessing the site in the near future to determine the safest location for the apartment complex in terms of traffic control and stormwater runoff.

Before the project can continue to move forward, the Grand Marais City Council will also need to approve the project. The next meeting of the city council is Wednesday, May 10.

Find the full planning and zoning committee agenda packet here.

View the full YouTube video here.