WTIP Staff

Community Advisory Board

The Community Advisory Board meets annually to discuss WTIP programming as well as the station’s integration in and service to the larger community. Meetings are held in November or December. Contact Matthew at 218-387-1070 for more information.

As of January 2024, CAB members are:

  • Jim Boyd
  • Bill Hansen
  • Mike Schelmeske
  • Jennifer Schulz
  • Dave Seaton
  • Joe Beres

CABs are required for most stations: All stations other than those owned by a state, a political or special purpose subdivision of a state, or a public agency must have a CAB.

CAB’s Advisory Role:  The CAB’s role is advisory in nature but may have other responsibilities delegated to it by the station or its governing body. However, the CAB must not exercise any control over the daily management or operation of the station.

Station’s Oversight of CAB:

The Act requires that stations make good faith efforts to ensure that:

  1. the CAB meets at regular intervals;
  2. the CAB members regularly attend its meetings; and
  3. the CAB reasonably represents the diverse needs and interests of the communities served by the station.

CAB’s Responsibilities:

A CAB may establish and follow its own schedule and agenda. The CAB’s structure and composition, including the number of members, their terms, and method of appointment and removal, should be established by the station’s governing body. The CAB’s responsibilities include:

  1. the right to review the station’s programming goals;
  2. the right to review the service provided by the station;
  3. the right to review significant policy decisions rendered by the station; and
  4. the obligation to advise the station’s governing body on whether the station’s programming and other significant policies are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by the station, and to make recommendations the CAB deems appropriate to meet such needs.