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Ann Sullivan to remain Chair of Cook County Board of Commissioners for 2024
image via Cook County youtube account

Ann Sullivan to remain Chair of Cook County Board of Commissioners for 2024

During the Cook County Board of Commissioners annual organizational meeting on Jan. 2, Commissioner Ann Sullivan was chosen as board chair for 2024. This will be Sullivan’s 3rd year in the position. She was first elected chair in 2021. Commissioner Dave Mills will also maintain his role of vice-chair in 2024, he first served in this capacity in 2023.

The board chair and vice-chair election process is comprised of a nomination by a board member and then a vote by the board. Mills was present by phone, rather than in person, and therefore could not vote, but both Sullivan and Mills received unanimous votes of approval (4-0) for their roles of chair and vice-chair, respectively.

The board also made some adjustments to committee assignments for commissioners. Those changes were made to establish a more equal distribution of assigned duties.

The meeting concluded with the commissioners setting a date for a meeting to allow for public comment. The meeting will center on the Capital Improvement Plan and on the board’s intent to issue Capital Improvement Bonds, as well as a proposed tax abatement plan which would help fund improvements to the Cook County Community Center. The public meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Jan. 30, and notice of the meeting will be published in the Cook County News-Herald.