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Cook County Board appoints Rowan Watkins interim County Administrator
Cook County

Cook County Board appoints Rowan Watkins interim County Administrator

County MIS Director Rowan Watkins has agreed to serve as Interim County Administrator while Administrator James Joerke takes a leave of absence. During the Oct. 22 Board of Commissioners meeting it was announced that Joerke would be taking leave following the sudden death of his wife.

Per the 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act, Joerke may take up to 12 weeks of leave.

Watkins was one of several current county employees that Board Chair Ann Sullivan mentioned during the meeting as potential candidates to temporarily fill the roll. She mentioned Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers, but with an election only weeks away, it was decided that his focus should be on ensuring the integrity of the election. County Attorney Molly Hicken was also mentioned, then ruled out because of a potential conflict of interest with her current role.

Watkins appeared briefly at the meeting to speak on his willingness to take on the interim appointment. He said that after speaking to members of the county leadership team, he was prepared to “Do what’s asked and do what’s required.” He said that he felt confident that during the up-to 12 weeks that he would serve as interim county administrator, the MIS department would be able to remain on track. He was adamant, however, that he was committing to the 12 weeks “give or take,” and did not want to see the drawn out appointment that occurred during the last time an interim administrator served.

Commissioner Deb White raised the question of what happens if Joerke is not able to return in 12 weeks. Sullivan responded that, “Right now the future is unknown,” saying that discussion would be needed between now and the 12 week point, as more information may come available. Powers said that “what if” conversations would be important in the meantime.

Watkins is stepping into the role while the county commissioners are working to set the 2025 budget, and amidst ongoing Capital Improvement Plan deferred maintenance projects and master planning. In a statement released on Oct. 22, Cook County Public Information Coordinator Todd Ford wrote, “For additional support, the Board called on key Cook County leaders to take on additional responsibilities in certain areas. Auditor Treasurer Braidy Powers will oversee the Budget, Financial Management Plan and the Facilities Committee. County Attorney Molly Hicken will oversee all County contracts. HR Director Allison Plummer will handle personnel issues.” 

In the press release Ford also wrote, “The Board and all of the Cook County employees would like to extend their heartfelt sympathy and support to James and his family during this difficult time as they deal with their tragedy.”