County launches Sawtooth Bluffs survey to gauge public interest
As the Cook County Parks and Trails Commission moves forward with exploring regional park designation for Sawtooth Bluffs in Grand Marais, the county is seeking public input and engagement.
On Feb. 5, the Cook County Parks and Trails Commission launched a Sawtooth Bluffs community feedback survey to assess whether the public is still interested in the development of Sawtooth Bluffs and what the site may include.
The Sawtooth Bluffs is a 640-acre site near the Grand Marais water tower along the Gunflint Trail. It comprises land owned by the City of Grand Marais and Cook County. In 2018, a Sawtooth Bluffs Steering Committee, consisting of city and county officials and Arrowhead Regional Development Commission (ARDC) staff, created a Sawtooth Bluffs Master Plan to help guide the site’s development.
One of the objectives identified in the master plan and at recent Parks and Trails Commission meetings is to designate the site as a regionally significant park. The designation would be approved by the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC) and increase opportunities for additional funding.
In a recent WTIP interview, County Parks and Trails Coordinator Mitch Travis said the Parks and Trails Commission wants to reengage with the public before moving forward with official plans.
The master plan identifies potential Sawtooth Bluffs development, including a campground, bike trails, hiking trails, disc golf, and more.
View the Sawtooth Bluffs Master Plan here.
Take the Sawtooth Bluffs Regional Park Community Feedback Survey here.