Arrowhead Trail and Chicago Bay Road Improvement Project Town Hall
Hovland Town Hall
4957 E. Highway 61
Hovland, MN
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On Tuesday, March 25, at 5 p.m. the Cook County Highway Department is hosting a public meeting at the Hovland Town Hall to discuss the upcoming Arrowhead Trail and Chicago Bay Road Improvement Projects. The project has been delayed to Summer 2026.
The meeting will be a town hall style with a short presentation with handouts and project designs for the public to discuss and comment on. Due to technical limitations, the meeting will not be streamed or recorded.
The three items discussed during the meeting will be:
1. The Arrowhead Trail from Highway 61 up to Tower Road will have the existing pavement resurfaced, culverts replaced, and the crossing at Otis Creek will be upsized to a larger box culvert.
2. Continued discussion about extending the pavement another 4.5-miles to Irish Creek Road.
3. Chicago Bay Road will be resurfaced and culverts will be replaced.
If you are unable to attend or have any questions about the projects give the Cook County Highway Department a call at 218-387-3014.