Weather Alert
Linda Hanson

Astro Bob – Astronomy for Everyone

Astro Bob King’s “astronomy for everyone” is a monthly feature on WTIP’s North Shore Morning – the second Friday of the month at 8:45.

Bob is a photographer, writer and amateur astronomer living in Duluth, MN.

He taught community education astronomy classes at the University of Minnesota Duluth and Marshall Alworth Planetarium since 1992 and astronomy classes at Boulder Lake Environmental Learning Center since 2011.


July 14, 2023
Astro Bob King

‘Astro Bob’ King chats with WTIP every month about his observations and upcoming celestial events.  In this edition, Bob talks about the Aurora Borealis that wasn’t, wildfire smoke in the air, astronomical twilight, the upcoming Perseid meteor shower and more.


January 13, 2023
Astro Bob – Comets and Conjunctions

“Astro Bob” King talks about Comet ZTF E3 and conjunction between Venus and Saturn on January 22 and Mars and the Moon on January 30 in this edition of our monthly feature with “Astro Bob”.

June 9, 2022
Five Planets Sequentially Align in June Sky

“Astro Bob” King debuts his monthly feature on WTIP’s North Shore Morning by describing a somewhat rare celestial event that is occurring this month…the planets are lining up sequentially (from closest to the sun to farthest) and five of them are visible in the pre-dawn hours from June 23rd through the first week in July.

From east to west and lowest to highest, they are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

WTIP’s CJ Heithoff learns more in this interview.