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Jana Berka

Northern Gardening

2nd thursday, 7 PM - 8 PM2nd saturday, 6 AM

Northern Gardening covers a variety of gardening topics relevant to our northern climate. The program airs on the second Thursday of each month from 7-8 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. The program is a partnership between the Northwoods Food Project, the Cook County U of MN Extension Office, and WTIP.


The Northwood’s Food Project is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to increase Cook County’s long-term food sustainability and self-reliance by eating and growing locally produced food.

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February 14, 2025
Northern Gardening: Gardening for pollinators Sarah Waddle, Northwoods Food Project

February’s Northern Gardening is all about gardening for pollinators. Think native bees, butterflies, flies, and more! These important insects need ample habitat and food, that a garden can help provide. Hear from local gardeners and Extension Educators about ways to plan, plant, and care for gardens that will support pollinators.

August 9, 2024
Northern Gardening: Mushrooms Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

Locally grown culinary mushrooms have become very popular around the country in recent years. Specialty mushrooms like shiitake, oyster, lion’s mane, and more are sought after by curious eaters and people interested in nutritious foods. What do you need to grow mushrooms indoors or outdoors successfully? Join hosts Sarah Waddle and Joan Farnam to learn from local and regional mushroom growers about this fascinating niche in the farming and gardening world! Guests to the program include Andrew Duhaime, Ryan and Summer Murray, Rob Wickham, and Selah Prekker.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

Photo by Dennis Scherdt on Unsplash.

July 16, 2024
Northern Gardening: Berries Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

Blueberries, strawberries, honeyberries, juneberries… there are so many kinds of berries to grow and pick in our area. Join us this month on Northern Gardening to learn about growing berries! We’ll visit with area berry farmers and hear advice about how to get started growing berries of your own. Hosts Sarah Waddle and Joan Farnam are joined by guests Bernis Ingvaldson of Honeyberry USA, Tim Eaton of Blackbirds and Blueberries Farm, and Kevin Belluz of Belluz Farms.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

June 18, 2024
Northern Gardening: Farmers Markets Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

Farmers Markets have popped up all over the Arrowhead region. What are the benefits of shopping at a farmers market? What might you expect to find at different markets in our region? June’s edition of Northern Gardening is a lively conversation on the ins and outs of farmers markets with representatives from the Two Harbors, Ely, Grand Marais, and Thunder Bay farmers markets! Guests include Esther Paasolainen from Thunder Bay Farmers Market, Karen Hamilton from Ely Farmers Market, and Bianca Seay from Two Harbors Farmers Market.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

Placeholder April 12, 2024
Northern Gardening – Container gardening Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

When you don’t have much topsoil to work with, or have limited space for gardening, container gardening can be a great option!  In this edition of Northern Gardening, hosts Sarah Waddle and Joan Farnam are joined by Master Gardener Volunteers Sally Berg, Rovena Claxton, and Gine Miessner, to discuss the benefits and challenges of container gardening in Cook County.  Also discussed are the variety trials Master Gardeners are conducting this year to find out what varieties of peas, tomatoes, winter squash, and flowers grow well in containers in our area.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

Placeholder March 14, 2024
Northern Gardening: Beginning as a farmer Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

The local food economy on the North Shore is filled with hard-working, innovative farmers and producers who grow vegetables, raise animals, harvest, and sell food at farmers markets, through CSAs, to restaurants, grocery stores, schools, and more. How did these farmers and producers get started doing what they are doing? Join us for a program exploring what it takes to become a farmer or food producer in our area. Learn about the challenges and joys of getting started making a life and living in the local food economy.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

Placeholder February 9, 2024
Northern Gardening: Cut flowers Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

Flowers grown specifically to make bouquets or for other decorative uses are called “cut flowers”. Growing cut flowers in a home garden or on a farm is growing in popularity. Flower bouquets bring joy to those who receive them, and can brighten up any day! Learn from some of our local cut flower growers on this episode of Northern Gardening all about what it takes to grow cut flowers in our climate and soils.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

January 12, 2024
January Northern Gardening Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

This month’s Northern Gardening is a two-part show. The first half focuses on the recently released and updated USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map and what the changes in growing zones mean for gardeners in our region. In the show’s second half, we cover tips and tricks for growing great potatoes and onions in our soils and climate. Guests to the program are UMN Horticulture Extension Educator Julie Weisenhorn, local farmer Nick Wharton, and Master Gardener Volunteers Carol Bennett and Janet Ditmanson.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

November 9, 2023
Northern Gardening: Happy yards Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

Our yards can be home to pollinators, a play for us humans to rest and play, a space to garden, a source of joy- and sometimes a puzzle! This month on Northern Gardening Sarah and Joan host guests who will share tips, tricks, and resources on two timely topics: lawn care in our climate including information on making our lawns more pollinator-friendly, and rain gardens. Learn how to make the most of your yard and help it provide ecosystem benefits with our knowledgeable local guest experts.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

September 14, 2023
Northern Gardening: Preserving Your Garden Harvest Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

September’s Northern Gardening is all about preserving your garden harvest. Hosts Sarah Waddle and Joan Farnam are joined by Cindy Hale, Extension Educator, and Carol Bennett, Master Gardener Volunteer, to share tips and tricks to preserve your garden bounty efficiently and safely.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

Photo by Ray Shrewsberry via Unsplash

August 10, 2023
Northern Gardening: Invasive plants Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

Invasive plants aren’t just a nuisance, they can aggressively choke out native plants and make our yards and gardens less friendly habitats for wildlife, pollinators, and of course- the plants we are trying to grow on purpose.

Join hosts Sarah Waddle and Joan Farnam for a primer on invasive plants to watch for in Cook County. Learn how to identify native, non-native, and invasive plants, and what to do about the invasives you find in your backyard.

Guests to the program are Tia Parks, Cook County Environmental Specialist/County Ag Inspector with the Cook County Highway Department, and Dominique Menard, Naturalist at Sugarloaf Cove Nature Center.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

July 13, 2023
Northern Gardening: Timely Tree Care Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

In the height of summer, we all appreciate trees! They provide shade, habitat for wildlife, and so much more. This summer though, trees you care for may be suffering from drought, spruce budworm, spongy moth, and more. What can you do about it? And how can you protect and plant trees that will thrive into the future?

In this edition of Northern Gardening, hosts Sarah Waddle and Joan Farnam talk trees with University of Minnesota forestry and tree care experts.

Northern Gardening airs every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 7 pm, then again at 6 am the following Saturday. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

June 8, 2023
Northern Gardening: Keeping chickens Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

Tending a flock of chickens is a popular pastime in Cook County and a common complement to a home garden or homesteading effort. Join local experienced chicken owners to learn all the basics of selecting breeds, crafting a coop, feeding and caring for chickens, and protecting your flock. Learn the differences in caring for layers and meat birds, and how a flock can integrate into the rest of your gardening world. Join hosts Sarah Waddle, and Joan Farnam, and guests Leanne Avery, Melinda Spinler, Olya Wright, and Naomi Tracy-Hegg for this egg-citing edition of Northern Gardening!

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

March 9, 2023
Northern Gardening: Community gardens Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

Gardening can be tough in Cook County, and many local gardeners have turned to community gardens to ease some of the challenges together. With community gardens in place at several locations in Grand Marais, a program in Grand Portage, and a proposed community garden in Tofte, they’re a hot topic in the area. Hosts Sarah Waddle and Joan Farnam are joined by several guests for a wide-ranging discussion on the subject.  Guests included in this month’s program are:

Liz Wagner – volunteer organizing the effort to build a community garden in Tofte
George Harrelson – volunteer gardener at the Grand Portage Community Garden, Master Gardener intern
Carol Bennett – gardener at the Community Center Community Garden and board member of the Northwoods Food Project, Master Gardener intern
Jana Berka – gardener at the WTIP Community garden

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

February 10, 2023
Northern Gardening: Maple syrup Northwoods Food Project, Sarah Waddle

When the nights are cold but the sun warms the trees during the day, maple sap starts flowing and many people in Cook County head to their sugar bushes to harvest maple sap and make it into maple syrup and sugar. On the February edition of Northern Gardening, we hear stories from local maple syrup makers – from Grand Portage to Finland, small-scale to commercial.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

Photo by Nadine Primeau via Unsplash

January 13, 2023
Northern Gardening: Root cellars Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

A common concern for gardeners and farmers in Cook County is how to keep produce from the garden fresh, safe, and edible beyond the end of our very short growing season. One possible solution to this problem is a root cellar. Listen below to this month’s Northern Gardening to learn more about root cellars: what they are, the experiences of local growers who use them, and the science behind their use.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

Photo by Ray Shrewsberry via Unsplash


December 9, 2022
Northern Gardening: The holiday edition! Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

It’s that time of year!  This month’s Northern Gardening is the annual “holiday show” – a celebration of the gift-giving season! Learn how to care for plants like poinsettias, amaryllis, and Christmas cactus, as well as what gardening tools, toys, accessories, and gizmos make good gifts for the gardeners in your life. Also joining the program is local Master Gardener Janet Ditmanson.


November 10, 2022
Northern Gardening: Houseplants and indoor gardening Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

This month’s program welcomes Stephen Janasie of Cook County Soil and Water to talk about the conservation benefits of rain barrels and compost bins for your home. In addition, he shares about Soil and Water’s upcoming online learning workshops on conservation topics and a compost bin and rain barrel community-wide ordering program. And we hear from local Master Gardener Volunteer Gine Meissner about caring for your houseplants and indoor gardening as we move into the winter months.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

September 12, 2022
Northern Gardening: Garlic Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

September’s Northern Gardening covers all the ins and outs of growing garlic.  Hosts Sarah Waddle and Joan Farnam welcome local farmers and growers of garlic to talk about their experiences with and love of this amazing plant.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

August 12, 2022
Northern Gardening: Hostas Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

This month on Northern Gardening hosts Sarah Waddle and Joan Farnam are joined by special guests to talk all about hostas.  From varieties that grow well in Cook County to common pests of hostas and how to manage them, and more!

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

July 18, 2022
Northern Gardening: Mid-summer vegetable gardening Sarah Waddle, Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

July’s Northern Gardening features a lively discussion of mid-summer vegetable gardening.  Hear from local gardeners about what’s growing well (and what’s not!) in their gardens.  Also, listen for tips and general advice on what to be tending to this time of year in your garden.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

June 13, 2022
Northern Gardening: Perennials Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

June’s Northern Gardening is all about perennials.  Listen to learn about pollinator gardens, the Serenity Garden at the Care Center in Grand Marais, and also tips on how to care for perennial gardens.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

Placeholder May 13, 2022
Northern Gardening: The “Dirt-y” show Joan Farnam, Sarah Waddle, Northwoods Food Project

May’s Northern Gardening is the “Dirt-y” show.  Hosts Joan Farnam and Sarah Waddle speak with experts and local gardeners about soil health, soil testing, soil types, fertility, and composting to make your garden sing.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

April 15, 2022
Northern Gardening: Jumping worms, winter gardening, and more Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

This month on Northern Gardening Joan Farnam and Sally Berg are joined by some special guests to talk about this year’s spring challenges, jumping worms, and winter gardening. Also, Max Linehan shares a creative way to start an early spring garden using a milk jug.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

Additional resources on jumping worms are listed below including this video from the Minnesota DNR.


March 11, 2022
Northern Gardening: Starting seeds indoors Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

This month’s Northern Gardening features a discussion of what you need to know to successfully start seeds indoors. Guests include Master Gardener Gine Meissner and also Nick Wharton of Good Neighbor Farm.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to any time.

Resources from U of M Extension.


February 11, 2022
Northern Gardening: Sharpening Your Pruning Skills Joan Farnam, Northwoods Food Project

Late winter is a good time to prune shrubs and trees, so this month’s program features special guests, Mariah Sachs, an arborist from St. Paul; Mike McMillan, owner of McMillan’s Landscaping & Tree Service in Cook County; and Master Gardener Sally Berg

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m. All previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to any time.

Resources from U of M Extension on Pruning trees and shrubs

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

January 18, 2022
Northern Gardening: Keeping your houseplants happy

This month on Northern Gardening we welcomed author Tovah Martin to talk about how to keep your houseplants happy. Listen for a conversation on houseplants that work well in northern climates in the winter, as well as tips from Cook County residents about what houseplants do well in their homes.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 a.m.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Placeholder August 13, 2021
Northern Gardening: Gardening goofs Joan Farnam and Mark Abrahamson

Hosts Joan Farnam and Mark Abrahamson discuss “Gardening Goofs”, those bloopers they’ve made in the garden as they learned how to do it, as well as tips on what to do to avoid them yourself. For example: Don’t plant garlic on its head. What does that mean? Listen in and find out.

Guests to the program include Master Gardener Sally Berg, and CSA producers Melinda Spinler of Maple Hill Sugarbush and Farm, and Lise Abazs of Round River Farm in Finland.

WTIP’s Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 am. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to any time.

Placeholder July 14, 2021
Northern Gardening: Jumping worms Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

This month on Northern Gardening hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam discussed jumping worms and growing vegetables in Cook County.

Guests to the program included Caleb Weiers, outreach coordinator for UMD, and Natalie Hoidal, U of M Extension vegetable specialist.

Northern Gardening airs on the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 am. And all previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to any time.

Placeholder June 11, 2021
Northern Gardening: Forest health Eric Otto, NE DNR Region Forest Health Specialist and Rachael Dube, NW DNR Region Forest Health Specialist

Want to learn more about your own backyard? Since most of us live ‘in the woods’, this month’s program was all about forest health issues and forest health pests found in northern Minnesota. Is what we are seeing due to climate change or is some of what is happening just the natural progression of our forests?

Guests to the program include Eric Otto, NE DNR Region Forest Health Specialist and Rachael Dube, NW DNR Region Forest Health Specialist.

Northern Gardening airs on the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 am. And all previously-aired programs are archived on our website, to listen to any time.

Placeholder May 14, 2021
Northern Gardening: New perennials and shrubs Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

Do you ever wonder who decides what new perennials or shrubs end up being for sale in our garden and nursery stores? This month, Northern Gardening hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam discussed just that.

Joining Diane and Joan was Debbie Lonne, a horticulturist for Bailey Nursies. Bailey Nurseries is headquartered in southern St. Paul and is one of the largest wholesale nurseries in the country. Also joining the program were Rene Swadberg from the Blue Moose in Grand Marais, Sandy Maxwell from Maxwell’s Nursery in Finland, and Sally Berg, local U of M Extension Master Gardener.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 am. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

Placeholder April 9, 2021
Northern Gardening: Landscaping with native plants Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

April’s Northern Gardening is all about landscaping with native plants. Joining hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam are a number of guests, including landscape designers, architects, and master gardeners – who have all landscaped with native plants in both commercial and back yard situations.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 am. All previously aired programs are archived on our website to listen to at any time.

Placeholder March 13, 2021
Northern Gardening: Great flower varieties for our climate Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

This month’s edition of Northern Gardening explored “Great Flower Varieties for Our Northern Climate.”

Hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam were joined by Marielena Shaner from Boda Bayfield; Deb Shubat from Shubat’s Fruits & Flowers; and Monica Highmark from New Song Farm to discuss the different flower varieties they are growing mainly for cut flowers to sell at Farmer’s Markets or for weddings.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 am. All previous programs are archived on our website, to listen to at any time.

Placeholder February 12, 2021
Northern Gardening: Great vegetable varieties for Northeastern Minnesota Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

The January and February editions of Northern Gardening explored the best vegetable varieties for Northeastern Minnesota.

Last year many seed varieties were sold out early or reserved for farmers so that when local gardeners went to local sources for seeds, they were pretty surprised to find them unavailable. So this month, we are delighted to talk about vegetable varieties that are ‘tried and true’ for our area with a number of local market gardeners from St. Louis, Lake, and Cook counties – joining the program via Zoom.

Click here for the recommended vegetable variety list for Cook County.

Listen to the full programs from both January and February in the audio below.

Placeholder December 11, 2020
Northern Gardening: Protecting trees and shrubs in winter Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

In this edition of Northern Gardening hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam explore how to protect trees and shrubs in winter. Since this has been the warmest November on record, there is still plenty of time to prepare your trees and shrubs for the upcoming season. Also in this program, a discussion about holiday gifts available locally for gardeners.

Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday at 6 am. You can send any gardening questions to, or call her at (218)-387-3015, to have your question answered during future Northern Gardening programs.

Placeholder November 13, 2020
Northern Gardening: Succulents Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

November’s Northern Gardening is all about succulents – the hottest gardening topic for millennials since 2014!

Hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam are joined by U of M Extension Master Gardener Sally Berg and by garden photojournalist, author, and expert on succulents, Debra Lee Baldwin. The panel discusses these greats plants and ways for you to use them here in the northland.

WTIP’s Northern Gardening airs live the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 8 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday from 6 to 7 am.

Placeholder October 15, 2020
Northern Gardening: Hydroponic Gardening and Storing the Fall Harvest Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

If you have questions about hydroponic gardening or how to store your fall harvest, October’s edition of Northern Gardening is the show for you. Hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam welcomed a panel of guests to answers questions from listeners on those exact topics.

WTIP’s Northern Gardening airs live the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 8 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday from 6 to 7 am.

Placeholder September 11, 2020
Northern Gardening: Saving Seeds Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

September’s Northern Gardening is all about seed saving. Hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam welcome a panel of local gardeners and plant specialists to answer questions from both first-time seed savers to folks who have been saving seed for quite some time and are looking for additional seed saving challenges.

WTIP’s Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 8 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday from 6 to 7 am.

Placeholder July 10, 2020
Northern Gardening: Small Trees & Great Shrubs Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

July’s Northern Gardening is all about small trees and great shrubs for zones 3 & 4. Hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam are joined virtually by a panel of local gardeners and plant specialists for northern climates answering your questions on the topic.

WTIP’s Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 8 pm and is rebroadcast the following Saturday from 6 to 7 am.

Placeholder June 13, 2020
Northern Gardening: Landscaping with native plants Diane Booth and Joan Farnam

June’s edition of Northern Gardening is all about landscaping with native plants.

Hosts Diane Booth and Joan Farnam are joined by a panel of local gardeners and native plant specialists for northern Minnesota and Wisconsin to explore this topic.

WTIP’s Northern Gardening airs the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 8 pm, and is rebroadcast the following Saturday from 6 to 7 am.