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School District 166 superintendent talks school buses and strategic planning
File photo - Rhonda Silence

School District 166 superintendent talks school buses and strategic planning

School District 166 held its April meeting on Thursday, April 21. WTIP checked in with Superintendent Chris Lindholm after that meeting to learn about board activities.

Lindholm shared the news of some resignations and new personnel hired. Resigning from the school was a long-term substitute and a paraprofessional. Also resigning at the end of the school year is long-time preschool, and then elementary school teacher, Amanda Hand. The board accepted Hand’s resignation and wished her all the best in a new role that she has accepted elsewhere.

The school board approved the hiring of four new teachers, Michael Dochterman, Social Studies; Ann Schultz, Physical Education; Erica Kirsch, Special Education, and Mariprovi Maldonado, Preschool teacher.

The school board also approved the hiring of Devon Mass as a full-time custodian, Jennifer DeRosier as a part-time paraprofessional and Dennis Burton as a full-time bus driver. Superintendent Lindholm said the school still needs one more full-time bus driver and added that there is always a need for substitute drivers.

Lindholm also talked to WTIP about the challenging winter for school bus drivers, with all the ice and snow. He gave kudos to the drivers for doing their best and keeping students safe and getting them to school.

Lindholm also shares some thoughts on the school district’s “strategic road map,” or strategic plan. The board has had a number of work sessions to develop the strategic plan. There are several drafts and the board was almost ready to adopt the strategic plan, however, Lindholm asked them to wait another month. He said he had the honor of attending the Minnesota Indian Education Conference, with Grand Portage Education Director Maria Burnett, and he said he learned a great deal. Lindholm said he would like to ensure that the school district is honoring the input from the Grand Portage community.

Anyone who would like to see the strategic planning process, the work done so far can be seen on the ISD 166 website. The Strategic Planning link includes the results of the October 2021 community survey, staff input on the “desired daily experience” for students, and three drafts of the strategic plan.

WTIP’s Rhonda Silence speaks with Superintendent Lindholm about all this and more. Hear their conversation below.