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Keep it Wild

Keep it Wild – Planning for the January 29th “Go Live” BWCAW Permit Season

In this edition of KEEP IT WILD, the Boundary Waters Podcast speaks with U.S. Forest Service Information Officer Joy Vandrie about the January 29th “Go Live” start of the 2025 permit reservation season. Joy emphasizes the importance of setting up an account on before the launch and highlights the 72 entry points with daily permit limits, including two new entry points created this year, for through-hikers in the wilderness. Vandrie notes that over 11,000 permits were canceled last year, with 58% reserved in January or early February. She urges travelers to only reserve what you need and to cancel early so other travelers have an opportunity to plan a visit. Vandrie also stresses the importance of using a valid email for accounts for emergency notifications.

Here are some key resource links to learn more about making plans for the paddle season ahead of securing your permit.

USFS Boundary Waters Trip Planning Guide

BWCAW Rules and Regulations


BWCAW Issue Stations:

Keep it Wild is a regular feature of the WTIP Boundary Waters Podcast