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District 3 Senate candidates Hogan and Bakk talk with WTIP

Christopher Hogan and Tom Bakk will be on the ballot this November for Minnesota Senate District 3.

Hogan is the Republican candidate (GOP).

Bakk is the Democrat on the ballot (DFL).

A lifelong resident of northeastern Minnesota, the 44-year-old Hogan is a resident of Silver Creek Township, a small community near the North Shore located between Two Harbors and Silver Bay.

Bakk is a longtime state senator and resides in Cook near Lake Vermillion on the other side of the massive district.

WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs spoke separately with both candidates ahead of the upcoming election. Some of the topics they discussed include copper-nickel mining in the region, working with Native American communities across the district, the statewide response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the expected budget shortfall the state Legislature will face in 2021.

Below are the separate interviews with Bakk and Hogan.