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Rhonda Silence, 2021


More Events: Visit Cook County

Cook County West End Alanon

The West End Alanon family Group meets each Wednesday at 7 pm at the Lutsen Town Hall.  Alanon is a group that supports friends and family members of alcoholics.  The group welcomes anyone who has been affected by a friend or family member who has a problem with alcohol.

NA (Narcotics Anonymous) Meeting

Narcotics Anonymous meetings are Wednesday evenings at 7 pm at The Hub in Grand Marais. All who have an interest are welcome to come.

Northern Lotus Meditation

Northern Lotus Meditation takes place on Wednesdays from 7 to 8 pm, with instruction in meditation and room manners at 6:45 pm, at Two Bird Healing Arts Center in Grand Marais.

Wednesday Night Songwriter Series: Charlie Parr

Story Time at the Library

The Grand Marais Public Library hosts Story Time on Thursday at 11 am. Featuring stories, songs, and a simple craft. Activities are geared towards ages 0-5, but all are welcome.

Thursday Art Night

Joy and Company hosts Thursday Art Night every Thursday from 3:30 – 5 pm.  New events are planned each week.  More information is available on the Joy and Company Facebook page.


The Education Foundation will host its annual fundraiser, EATS, on Thursday, March 7 from 5 – 7 pm.  Featuring samples from local restaurants, music, and a silent auction.  Tickets are available at the school office.

Modern Dance Drop In Classes

Modern Dance Drop-in Classes will be held from 5:30 to 7 pm on Thursdays in March and April at the Community Center Log Cabin. Ages 12 to adult and all experience levels and abilities are welcome. A rotating cast of teachers – Margaret E Johnson, Rachel Clark, Lenna Stever Sobanja, and Steph Vos will lead the classes. More information is available by email –

Pete Kavanaugh

Gordon Thorne

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