Rhonda Silence, 2021


More Events: Visit Cook County

Gordon Thorne

Shane Martin

How Can We Listen Actively?

Cook County Higher Education hosts How Can We Listen Actively? on Friday, March 7 from noon to 1 pm at CCHE or over Zoom. Facilitators Nina McCune and Enno Limvere will explore how to do it actively and effectively. Practicing techniques like “looping” in small groups and discussing pre-selected topics gathered through a participant poll. More information is available at myCCHE.org/events.

Chuck Corliss and Ace

Jim Miller

First Fridays: Community Contra Dance

North House Folk School is hosting a First Friday Community Contra Dance on Friday, March 7. Starting with Dinner on a Stick at 5:30 pm. A beginner-friendly contra dance starts in the blue building at 6:30 pm.

Adam Moe

Kevin Buck

Joe Paulik

Timmy Haus

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