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Rhonda Silence, 2021


More Events: Visit Cook County

Cook County West End Alanon

The West End Alanon family Group meets each Wednesday at 7 pm at the Lutsen Town Hall.  Alanon is a group that supports friends and family members of alcoholics.  The group welcomes anyone who has been affected by a friend or family member who has a problem with alcohol.

NA (Narcotics Anonymous) Meeting

Narcotics Anonymous meetings are Wednesday evenings at 7 pm at The Hub in Grand Marais. All who have an interest are welcome to come.

Northern Lotus Meditation

Northern Lotus Meditation takes place on Wednesdays from 7 to 8 pm, with instruction in meditation and room manners at 6:45 pm, at Two Bird Healing Arts Center in Grand Marais.

Story Time at the Library

The Grand Marais Public Library hosts Story Time on Thursday at 11 am. Featuring stories, songs, and a simple craft. Activities are geared towards ages 0-5, but all are welcome.

Thursday Art Night

Joy and Company hosts Thursday Art Night every Thursday from 3:30 – 5 pm.  New events are planned each week.  More information is available on the Joy and Company Facebook page.

Modern Dance Drop In Classes

Modern Dance Drop-in Classes will be held from 5:30 to 7 pm on Thursdays in March and April at the Community Center Log Cabin. Ages 12 to adult and all experience levels and abilities are welcome. A rotating cast of teachers – Margaret E Johnson, Rachel Clark, Lenna Stever Sobanja, and Steph Vos will lead the classes. More information is available by email –

Jim Miller

Saturday Fiber Circle

Dappled Fern Fibers hosts a Saturday Fiber Circle from 10 to 11:30 am. Knitting, crocheting, spinning darning, embroidery, cross stitching, and all other fiber arts are welcome.

Basalta / Decomposers / Adam Kirsch

Bone Builders

Bone Builders is a group exercise weight training program that was created for adults who are interested in preventing and reducing osteoporosis. Bone Builders meets at the Lutsen Town Hall on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 to 11 am.

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