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Coffee & Doughnuts with the Commissioner

Hovland Town Hall
East Hwy 61
Hovland, Minnesota 55606

Commissioner Deb White is hosting a town hall meeting at the Hovland Town Hall,  “Coffee with a Commissioner” on Saturday, February 25 at 10 am.  This is a chance to find out more about issues that are or will be coming before the county board.  Discussion is not limited to any one topic.

CC highway engineer, Robbie Hass will be on hand to share information and answer any questions about the highway department,  road projects,  & funding sources.

There will also be handouts available about the Capital Improvement Plan.

If there is enough interest, Commissioner White hopes to make “Coffee with a Commissioner” a regular event for sharing information and concerns.

All county taxpayers are welcome.

Donut Shop donuts will be served.

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