Memorial Service for Kati Kristenson Stieler
A memorial service for Kati Kristenson Stieler will be held on Saturday, February 1 at 10 am.
Due to space limitations at the church, the service will be attended by family and invited guests only. A Youtube streaming link is available here. Two locations have also offered their space for streaming in Grand Marais with doors opening at 9:30 am.
Great Expectations School 550 5th St, Grand Marais (This is Kati’s school)
Walk toward the school from the north, into the parking lot, and turn left. These doors lead into the great room.
Cook County Extension 317 W 5th St, Grand Marais
A Special Invitation to Say Hello
If you are in the area, the family would love for you to stop by and say hello at Bethlehem from 12:30–1:00 PM.
A Request in Kati’s Memory
No flowers! Please honor Kati’s spirit by planting a tree, flowers, blueberries, strawberries, or another living tribute in the springtime.