Courtesy of Betsy Bowen

Field Notes

Molly Hoffman became a birder following a 1970 course in Ornithology at the University of Minnesota, Duluth which was part of a degree in Biology. Molly Hoffman’s Field Notes brings listeners along on guided birding adventures in the woods. Recorded in the fields and woodlands of Northeastern Minnesota along with her husband Ken and dogs Rocky and Jessie, Molly’s bird identification lessons and song identification will make a birder out of anyone who enjoys the outdoors. Field Notes airs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning on WTIP (from April through October).

Molly also produced three CD compilations: Bird Songs of Northern Woods Volumes I, II, and III, to benefit WTIP. CDs are available for purchase at WTIP (currently Volume I is SOLD OUT). All proceeds directly benefit the station. To order your CD, simply stop by the station, or contact us at or visit our on-line store.

Arts, cultural and history features on WTIP are made possible in part by funding from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

View Archive
Placeholder October 19, 2015
Field Notes: American Robin

Field Notes with Molly Hoffman can be heard every Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning between 8:00 and 10:00.  Support for Field Notes comes from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

Placeholder October 19, 2015
Field Notes: Rusty blackbird

Field Notes with Molly Hoffman can be heard every Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning between 8:00 and 10:00 from April through October. Support for Field Notes comes from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

Placeholder September 19, 2015
Field Notes: Late warblers

Support for Field Notes comes from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

Placeholder September 19, 2015
Field Notes: Northern waterthrush

Support for Field Notes comes from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.