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Pet Health – Dr. Amy O’Brien, DVM

Dr. Amy O’Brien is an assistant professor in the University of MN College of Veterinary Medicine. She’ll talk to us about “Pet Health” during North Shore Morning on the second Wednesday of the month.

August 11, 2023
Pet Health – Dr Amy O’Brien talks about Chronic Kidney Disease

Dr. Amy O’Brien is an assistant professor in the University of MN College of Veterinary Medicine. Her “Pet Health” interview on North Shore Morning is on the second Wednesday of each month.

In this segment, Amy talks with CJ Heithoff about chronic kidney disease in our cats and dogs.

November 10, 2022
Pet Dental Health

In this month’s edition of “Pet Health,” Amy O’Brien, DVM and assistant professor at the University of Minnesota’s College of Veterinary Medicine, talks about our pet’s dental health…why it’s important to maintain their healthy teeth and gums, what toys / treats to avoid and signs that your pet may be having tooth pain.

To see a listing of Veterinary Oral Health Council approved products visit

July 13, 2022
Pet Health – Dr Amy O’Brien talks about thunder and fireworks anxiety

Dr. Amy O’Brien is an assistant professor in the University of MN College of Veterinary Medicine. She talks to us about “Pet Health” each month on the second Wednesday of the month on North Shore Morning.

This month’s topic is “Thunder and Fireworks Anxiety in Pets”.