Ginny Storlie named Chair of Cook County Board of Commissioners
Cook County

Ginny Storlie named Chair of Cook County Board of Commissioners

Commissioner Ginny Storlie began serving District 5 in 2015. During her decade as a commissioner she has previously served as board chair – she held the position in 2018 and 2019. This time Storlie will be taking over from Commissioner Ann Sullivan, who held the role for three years. At the meeting on Jan. 7, Storlie expressed her interest in serving as chair after suggesting that the position rotate through the districts regularly.

The role of vice-chair will be filled once again by Commissioner Dave Mills. This will be his third year as vice-chair.

In addition to selecting which commissioners will serve as chair and vice-chair, the meeting included several other organizational items. These items included the swearing in of two commissioners and the county attorney. Commissioner Sullivan was reelected for District 4, and Commissioner Garry Gamble was elected in District 2 to fill Stacy Johnson’s vacated seat. County Attorney Jeanne Peterson was appointed by the board to finish former Attorney Molly Hicken’s term, which will run through 2026.