New business dots the Lutsen landscape with geodesic domes
WTIP likes to share news of local businesses — new businesses, new owners, milestone achievements. In this interview, WTIP’s Rhonda Silence learns more about the development of Live Klarhet, a unique business that combines very interesting vacation opportunities with sustainable living and farming.
Click below to learn more from co-owner Nicole Leand about this new enterprise in the forested area off the Lutsen Ski Hill Road.
If you know of North Shore business owners who should be featured, give us a call at 218-387-1070 or email: Rhonda@wtip.org. WTIP would love to tell their story!

The interior of a Live Klarhet geodesic dome in Lutsen. Photo courtesy of Nicole Leand

The inside of a Live KlarHet geodesic dome - Photo courtesy of Nicole Leand

Live Klarhet geodesic domes dotting the Lutsen forest - Photo courtesy of Nicole Leand

A bird's eye view of geodesic dome at Live Klarhet in Lutsen. Photo courtesy of Nicole Leand