Rainy forecast dampens start of Community Center skating season
Kirsten Wisniewski

Rainy forecast dampens start of Community Center skating season

The outdoor ice rinks and warming house at the Cook County Community Center opened on Thursday, Dec. 26. According to Anna Klobuchar, who manages the rinks, the first day of skating was busy. But with rain on Friday, and more forecasted into the weekend, the skating has ground to a halt.

Klobuchar described Thursday to WTIP as “wonderfully busy,” and added that Mary Jillson, the rink/warming house attendant counted over 45 people using the large rink, and over 30 on the small rink. She said, “Lots of families were out. We went through 2 commercial popcorn machine tubs of fresh popcorn. On the large rink, you could hear the hockey pucks and sticks hitting the ice, and some pretty great skaters were showing their stuff.”

By Friday afternoon, Klobuchar said that the rink staff decided to close the warming house for the day. She said that just one young skater spent time on the ice before retreating to his parents’ warm, dry, car. The staff posted a sign reading, “Rain, Rain, Go Away.  Warming House is Closed the Rest of the Day.  The Rinks are open if you dare,  If you fall, you’ll soak your hair.”

As for the rest of the weekend, Klobuchar said that they would play it by ear. She said that the ice is currently intact under the puddles, and that the rink lights will still come on as planned from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. each night. The warming house will open as planned on Saturday, Dec. 28, at 10 a.m., but as Klobuchar put it, “We will see what the weather brings.”

Ice conditions become a concern when temperatures rise. Klobuchar has been in contact with “Ice Master” Steve Wick, who told her that if temperatures drop back into the 20s by Sunday night or Monday, the ice should remain in good conditions for skating. She said, “The rain will refreeze and the ice should not be in rough shape.  However, all is dependent on weather. If is stays in the 40’s and doesn’t get colder at night, he stated he may have to re-flood on Tuesday, Dec. 31, right before we get into the upcoming cold snap for New Years.”

The Community Center ice rinks are open to the public throughout the winter months. A calendar of public and school events, along with information about the warming house, can be found on the Cook County website.