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Rehabilitation of Birchwood Apartments progressing
Kirsten Wisniewski

Rehabilitation of Birchwood Apartments progressing

The first phase of a building rehabilitation project, which has been years in making, has been completed. Dakota Sol of One Roof Community Housing, the nonprofit organization managing the rehabilitation of the Birchwood Apartments in Grand Marais, told WTIP that with the first phase over, 2025 should see the second phase and the completion of the project.

One Roof took the rehabilitation project on after several years of neglect left the buildings in a state of disrepair that were revealed through a report following a federal inspection by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Birchwood Apartments were built through the USDA Rural Development program.

Phase One

One of the primary concerns for residents was the extensive water damage and mold caused by faulty pipes. The first phase of renovations, which began in April of 2024, included replacing the pipes and stabilizing the building from any further water damage. Sol said that this part of the rehabilitation has been completed.

Also included in the first phase of rehabilitation was addressing several units that had been previously deemed too damaged for continued tenancy. Sol said that with the work on those units completed, they are once again occupied by residents.

The renovations for the apartment units is planned to be fairly complete. The initial units to be renovated had already been gutted due to water damage, and included a replacement of everything from floors to walls to plumbing fixtures.

Phase Two

Sol says that 2025 should hold even more building improvements for Birchwood residents. He said that during the second phase of the rehabilitation, there will be a series of projects in common areas, in addition to work on all of the remaining apartments that have not already been renovated.

During phase two, the scope of work outside of individual units will include building work like new roofs, improving insulation, replacing siding, and replacing the boilers and laundry equipment. The parking lot and trash enclosures will be replaced, and there will be a new playground constructed. Sol said that these improvements will happen at the same time as the rest of the apartment renovations.

The renovation of the remaining apartments will happen while tenants are still living in them. Sol said the construction firm working on the buildings specializes in “occupied renovations.” He said the firm estimated the work would be disruptive to the residents of each unit for about two weeks. Though, he added that the contractors understand how to minimize the disruptions whenever possible.

With phase one complete, Sol said that phase two should be starting in the spring of 2025. Residents can expect to see construction start between April and June.

Looking toward the future

As for what might come next, Sol said that after the renovations are complete, One Roof will remain a general partner for the development. He said that a new entity, made up of investors, will take primary ownership of the buildings but that One Roof’s vision is to remain long-term owners of Birchwood.

WTIP’s Kirsten Wisniewski spoke with One Roof’s Dakota Sol about what will come next for the Birchwood renovation. Audio of that interview is below.