We asked for your help to brace against the uncertainty of future federal funding —and you delivered!
Thank you to everyone who called in, stopped by, or joined online during the “Roots & Wings” Spring Member Drive. Over the past four and a half days, we welcomed 38 new members, 36 sustaining members, and received continued support from 53 renewing members and 126 additional gifts. Together, we raised $45,017 from 254 pledges.
Thank you for believing in the power of independent, non-profit radio!
Our on-air spring membership drive ended at noon on March 17th. Thank you for your support. We are still $4,983 away from our $50,000 goal. Please consider making a donation to ensure the future of independent, non-profit radio. Make a donation online.
Because of you, WTIP is proud to report tremendous community support. In addition to our amazing listener-members, we have many others to thank:
On-air Volunteers who make local radio happen:
Mark Abrahamson
Deb Benedict
Tracy Benson
Jana Berka
Bill Burkhardt
Rovena Claxton
Peter Clissold
Bill Hansen
Tyler Howell
Adam Kirsch
Abbyzak LeGare
Sherry Lindskoog
Martha Marnocha
Dr Oz E
Joni Peterson
Cathy Quinn
Cory Quirk
Kit Shirley
Carl Solander
Paul Stucker
Rainbow Trout
Steph Vos
Thank you for your time and dedication!
Musicians who amazed us with their performances: Jim McGowan, Adam Kirsch, Frozen Britches, Andy Keith & Kari Carter, Rena Rogers & Mary Lou Sorenson—thank you for sharing your talent!
Local Business Underwriters who support our programs day in and day out—thank you!
Community Support who kept us fed and welcomed in the community: Pat Campanaro, Katie Clark, and Donna Lunke
WTIP Staff, whose passion and commitment make community radio thrive: Sterling Anderson, Matthew Brown, Staci Drouillard, Kalli Hawkins, CJ Heithoff, Josh Hinke, Tom Knutson, Will Moore, Chuck Olsen, Sydney Robinson, Veronica Weadock, and Kirsten Wisniewski. Special thanks to Will Moore, our music director, and Tom Knutson, our sound engineer, for making the live music sound amazing.
WTIP Board Members who generously donated matching gifts to kick off our drive and help drive momentum: Leslie Anderson, Clay Ahrens, Peter Clissold, Bob Svaleson, Carly Puch, Agatha Armstrong, Molly Hicken
Jean Brislance who provided the incredible bird photography
Finally, WTIP’s Founding Members, whose vision and foresight brought local radio to Cook County. Your roots continue to guide us forward as we work to sustain independent radio.
Thank you for listening to, trusting in and supporting WTIP. Your generosity helps us create engaging and meaningful programming for Cook County residents and visitors.