Voyageur II returning to Grand Portage to resume Isle Royale trips
A sign that spring has arrived is the journey of the Voyageur II returning from its winter home in Duluth to Grand Portage. The 65-foot vessel will dock at the Hat Point Marina in Grand Portage to prepare for another season of trips to Isle Royale for the Grand Portage Isle Royale Transportation Line.
The Voyageur II transports passengers and mail to Isle Royale National Park from May to October each year. This year will be a bit different due to COVID-19 guidelines, but the Voyageur II and the Sea Hunter will be in service. The Voyageur’s first trip to the island will be May 15 and the Sea Hunter will have its first day trip to Windigo Harbor on June 9.
Paula Marie Powell, with the Grand Portage – Isle Royale Transportation Line said seats are filling fast. Anyone who wants to make the trip to Isle Royale this summer should consider making reservations soon.
The Voyageur II passed under the Duluth lift bridge just after 6 a.m. The trip to Grand Portage takes about 10 hours.
WTIP’s Mark Abrahamson contacted Captain Ben Silence aboard the Voyageur II as the boat neared Palisade Head. Here’s their conversation.