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Going Green in Cook County

Going green can help the planet, and your bank account

Solar panels on rooftops. Electric vehicles. Growing your own food.

These are all common themes when it comes to “going green in 2019.” Be that as it may, not everyone is realistically in a position, be it financially speaking or for other reasons, to embrace these industry trends. However, one doesn’t have to check the status of their bank account or even overextend themselves to embrace environmentally-friendly practices in Cook County. Tasks such as such turning off lights when leaving a room, installing proper insulation and even walking to check the mail rather than driving can save energy and benefit the planet.

Media reports during the past several years, including on WTIP, have focused on the fact solar panels are more affordable now than at any point in history. And while the cost to install renewable energy to power a home is no longer the eliminating or deciding factor it once was for some Cook County residents, it would be highly inaccurate to assume that everyone on the North Shore is in a position to start slapping solar panels on their rooftops. However, solar and other forms of renewable energy are not the only means to reduce one’s carbon footprint.

Joe Sullivan is the Deputy Commissioner for the Division of Energy Resources at the Minnesota Department of Commerce. He too supports the notion that there are a number of things people can do in their day to day lives that will have both financial and environmental benefits for themselves and society as a whole.

This feature explores how people are going green in Cook County. From hunting guides purchasing energy efficient coolers to local residents driving electric vehicles, what has become apparent is the financial perks of going green in Cook County are now catching up with the environmental benefits as well.