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Commissioner Ann Sullivan selected as board chair for 2023
Cook County YouTube page

Commissioner Ann Sullivan selected as board chair for 2023

Commissioner Ann Sullivan will again be the board chair of the Cook County Commissioners for 2023.

Sullivan served as the board chair in 2022.

The decision to appoint Sullivan as the board chair came during the organizational meeting of the commissioners on Tuesday, Jan. 3. The commissioners nominate and ultimately vote amongst themselves annually for who will serve as chair and vice chair.

Serving as vice chair for 2023 is Commissioner Dave Mills.

Prior to selecting these roles, the commissioners reviewed their options for choosing the chair and vice chair. After a brief discussion about using a rotation schedule to appoint the chair and vice chair, the commissioners agreed to nominate and then vote for who will serve in the leadership roles.

Both Sullivan and Mills were appointed on unanimous votes by their fellow commissioners.

Listen to the audio below to an interview with Sullivan and WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs.

In the photo above, county officials are sworn in with the oath of office at the Cook County Courthouse Jan. 3.