Rhonda Silence

Investigation of ISD 166 Gadsden flag concerns may be final soon

At the beginning of February, School District 166 Principal and Acting Superintendent Megan Myers answered the few questions she could about the ongoing investigation surrounding the display of a modified Gadsden flag at the school. The investigation came about after a public outcry over a poster in Assistant Principal Mitch Dorr’s office.

In February, Myers confirmed that an investigation was underway, being conducted by law firm Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A., a Minneapolis law firm. Myers said she was unsure when the investigation would be completed, but noted that “the investigation is moving as expediently as possible.”

WTIP followed up with Myers at the start of the new month to see if there was any further information to share. On March 2, Myers told WTIP: “We are hoping to wrap this up by the end of next week.”

Asked how the school decided to work with Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A., Myers said it is a firm the school has worked with in the past. WTIP also asked Myers if she knew who had been interviewed during the investigation. She said she does not have access to that information.

According to the Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. website, representing schools is one of their primary areas of law. The website states, “Our school law attorneys represent and advise school districts in a variety of matters, including labor disputes, harassment and discrimination claims, and student discipline.”

A WTIP inquiry to the law firm about the investigation was not answered.